a drink? (pt.2; wrong girl)

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It was exactly a year later. Felix had been released and Mark got the pleasure of watching Marzia and Felix's reunion. Which was as cliche as it gets. Felix waved to Mark as he had drove off in his car to go see someone on his own.

As he pulled up in front of the house, Mark turned off the car and slowly got out, taking a moment to look around and observe the scenery. It was quite a small but peaceful neighborhood. Mark smiled softly to himself as he walked up to the house and knocked on the door, a soft 'coming!' was his response.

Soon enough, the door was opened and Mark was greeted with the same pink haired female who he still occasionally talked to even after their departure last year, it was an on and off thing. Not dating, no.

Mark smiled as she answered the door, eyes scanning her up and down before the female spoke up, "Mark! Hey, is it time or something?" Mark lifted his head with a beaming expression, nodding, "Grab your purse, Felix is out and Séan's tagging along! So is Signe." Amy squealed as she nodded and skipped off to put on shoes and grab her purse.


"Here we are, guys!" Mark exclaimed.

Signe opened the door, jumping off Séans lap, since there was only room for three in the back, Marzia sat in the middle, Signe sat in Séans lap and Amy sat in the front.

"Ah, the old Stool Breaker, ain't changed a bit." Felix said.

"It really hasn't." Mark responded as he got out.

As everyone walked inside, a record scratched and someone turned their head, "You swedish pussy! I thought you'd be in jail forever!"

Felix gasped, turning his head to the direction of the voice, "Ken! Are you crazy?! Never!" And the music inside the bar picked back up as Amy clung to Mark, not used to bars at all. "It's okay. Felix is basically friends with everyone here, and I'm here for you."

Amy smiled up at Mark as Felix grabbed her hand, causing her yelp as Felix gave Mark a look. The half-korean nodded with a smile as his grip around Amy loosened and she was pulled towards Ken. "Ken, meet Amy, I met her in jail."

Ken spit his drink, coughing before he was able to speak, "Such a fine broad such as yourself? Doesn't seem likely."

Amy giggled and shook her head, "Th-That's because I was the wrong girl. They didn't have further evidence to prove me innocent so I was in jail for maybe two weeks at most."

Ken nodded, taking a sip from his drink, "Figured so. Did you make any other friends?" He questioned, leaning towards her. Before he could say anything else, Mark stepped up, "Okay, Ken. That's enough."

Ken laughed as he stood straight, raising a glass, "Of course, Mark. NEXT ROUND OF DRINKS ON ME!" He shouted as he yelled at the bartender for shots of smirnoff vodka.

Amy tensed up, she knew she was a lightweight and only a few shots could mess her up, and that embarrassed her. She didn't want Mark to know she couldn't handle alcohol.

"You getting anything to drink?" Marks voice interrupted her thoughts and she shrugged, brushing some hair from her face, "O-Only if you are."

"Nah, I don't drink. Medical problems, drinking could kill me." He said, looking at Amy as she suddenly remembered. Hadn't she been told that before?

"Oh, well then I'm good." Amy smiled softly as a song was played from the speakers. --The song above! Probably weird to play in a club but eff the rules it's my new favorite song!--

Everyone heard Felix as he jumped on top of a table, "MY FUCKING JAM!"

Amy started laughing at Felix, barely noticing that Mark had wrapped an arm around her waist. She had made herself think it was so they wouldn't lose each other. He could tell bars were not her cup of tea without her having to say a thing.

Amy's and everyone's attention was turned back to Felix, who was pulling Marzia up on the table with him as he sang along, "What goes on behind those eyes of yours? I'll never know, but I've been told! When this all comes crashing down on us, I'll be here to sort us out!"

Everyone cheered as Felix spun Marzia around, his grip around her tight to make sure she didn't fall.

Amy turned her head to look at Mark, smiling as she spoke to Mark over the music, "Felix has nice music taste." Which caused Mark to nod in agreement, "Half the songs I know are because of him."

She nodded before suddenly asking, "Hey-- where are Signe and Sean?"

"Said they were going to the bathroom, but knowing them, I don't believe that in the slightest."

Amy laughed, unknowingly pressing her frame against the half-koreans, her cheeks flushing.
Mark didn't mind, in fact he just pressed her closer, his smile widening as he laughed along with her.

He could get used to this.


wow abrupt ending is abrupt,,,, im so sorry but HEY! i got smth done for once. ive been slacking so hecking hard.

sorry!! my muse to write has been shit and plus, school ends next month. actually exactly next month, so exams are coming up next week, but for the summer, I'll definitely be around!!

also question, which name do you like more?




dorothy is a nickname my friend at school gave me.
i kinda wanna change Sam since someone else im friends w/ started using it. i don't want to confuse people.

anyway bye ily all!

-idk yet 💕

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