our love is real

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Amy sniffed, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, a girl laughed. "Seriously? You think I'm gonna believe that you're dating the Markiplier? Popular on YouTube and basically every social media? If so, why hasn't he said anything about you, hm?" The girl placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head and letting her long brunette hair flow down her back.

"B-because, he can't r-risk me getting hated o-on!" Amy choked out as the girl snorted, shaking her head, "Little whore, you're a liar." The brunette rolled her eyes as she looked at her friends beside her, popping her gum, the girl took the gum from her mouth and walked over to Amy, smiling innocently, "Here's what happens to those who lie." Amy gasped as the girl pushed the gum against the top of her head, getting it all in her hair, Amy pushed the girl away and took off running, sobbing heavily.


As Amy reached her apartment, she ran to her bathroom and stripped off her clothes, hopping in the shower to get that gum out.

"U-ugh, ew.." Amy eventually got it out and threw it into the trash can near the bath tub and continued her shower, scrubbing her head good.


After she finished, she grabbed towels from under the sink and dried off, going to her room and changing. As she changed she opened her laptop and wasted no time in opening up skype.

markimoo: babe, you okay?
(timestamp: 1:02pm)

Amy glanced at the clock on the laptop, 1:30pm.

She immediately responded,

peebles: bab can we skype?

markimoo: ofc! i just got done editing, calling in 5!

peebles: <3

Amy pulled a shirt over her head that laid on her bed from earlier that she had worn as the familiar ringtone of skype calling went off, she immediately answered and sat down as a face popped up on screen.

The audio cut out a moment as Mark shifted, leaning against the desk in his office, "Hey, baby girl, just got out the shower?" Amy nodded, "What's the occasion?"

Amy sighed, clearing her throat, "Gum in my hair." Mark scrunched up his nose as she said that, tilting his head, "How? Accident, yeah?" She shook her head, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her shirt, "It wasn't?.. Are you saying.."

Amy cut him off, choking back tears, "Earlier I.. I got into a fight with this.. girl.. and she.. said that she didn't believe I was dating you, 'online love isn't real, and you're definitely not dating the Markiplier!'." Amy did air quotes on that phrase, sighing as she did.

Mark ran his hands through his hair, "Princess, you do know that's not true, right? I love you, and I trust you." Amy nodded slowly, "And I trust you.." She mumbled, fixing her hair.

"Don't let some jealous girl get the best of you. Remember, I will be seeing you, eventually, I am gonna book a flight to Ohio, next chance I get, I just need to record some videos for it and get things ready. Okay?"

"O-okay.." Amy nodded slowly once again to also confirm since she may have been speaking a bit low. Mark lifted his head as a knock sounded from his end, "That must be Ethan, it's his birthday, we're going out to eat— Uh, well, let me go, and I'll call you when I get back. Just remember, I love you."

"I love you, too."

"And, our love is real. That, I'm sure of."


100 chapters. Can you believe it?


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