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tw: mentions of like,,, wanting to kill someone. is that triggering? meh just in case
other than that its all gucci

Sometimes curiosity can get the best of us all and we give in to temptations to check things out and explore. And that, I can understand. But when you willingly take what's mine, then, we have problems. So many problems.

You remember. You do. You asked for more, here it is.

Jessica will not live happily ever after with my man! And that, I can assure you, I've been asking around, they're not even dating. I've been doing more research and I've been getting my best weapons ready, they're all just itching for her blood to be splattered over them.

My leg bounced up and down as I sat at my desk, staring up at the clock that ticked slowly, it was 1:58pm. I had eventually learned Jessicas schedule and his. Marks. My beautiful baby boys schedule was simple. Come to school, grab a drink from the vending machine, go upstairs and play on his phone till first period.
Now, I know you don't care about Jessicas schedule— or do you? Well, perhaps I'll tell you anyway.

That bitch gets up, showers for 40 minutes, gets dressed in her slutty clothes and eats breakfast at home. Upon reaching school, she waves at a bunch of her fake friends and desperately looks around for (my) Mark. And if she can't find him, she goes to homeroom. Mark is in all of my classes and I think it's because we are destined to be together.

But, there is an obstacle in my way. But that's okay. Obstacles can be removed.


Love. That's what I felt for Mark. I loved Mark. Only Mark. Jessica just wanted him, she didn't need him, she didn't crave him, like I do. I long to feel how his soft delicate hands would move across my skin, being gentle as if he could break me. Jessica didn't want that. She didn't want the love he had to offer, she wanted to take advantage of him. And I've been debating on if I should stop her, if I stopped her, she'd try to ruin me again. If I didn't, perhaps Mark would run into my arms after realizing she didn't want him.

I kinda like the second option, but I also don't want to see him hurt. My poor baby can't be hurt.

If she hurts him, I will hurt her. I will put her through hell. For the one I love.

I love you, Mark Edward Fiscbach.

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