quick reflxes.

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i hurt you all so here's some fluff/??


A mischievous grin plastered across the half-korean male's lips as Mark tip-toed up the stairs, his plans were to sneak  up on his girlfriend, and basically scare her with kisses. As he reached the bedroom, he peaked his head in to see her pulling a tank-top on, with shorts to match.

It was late at night, so she was getting ready for bed, as usual she wore a tank-top and shorts, and Mark always found that cute, because even during the winter, she'd wear it to have an excuse to cuddle up to him and snuggle with him. Mark stifled a chuckle, shaking his head.

Mark held back laughter once again, thinking of his little.. plan, as he tip-toed into the room and got up behind her, but as he was about to snake his arms around her, Amy jumped and her elbow collided with his face as she kicked him backwards in the stomach.

Mark stumbled back, groaning in pain as Amy immediately turned around, gasping, "Mark! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you! I-I have fast reflexes--!" Amy apologized repeatedly as she helped him over to the bed, kissing his entire face and rubbing his stomach, "Baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it."

Mark wheezed, smiling at her, "At least I know you c-can defend yourself.." He coughed, Amy gave a half-hearted laugh, leaning against him, still kissing him all over. "Babe, i-its okay, let's just.. lay down, alright?" Amy nodded slowly as she helped Mark lay down, soon going to turn the light off and lay down with him.

As she laid down beside him, she continued to rub his stomach, "Does your stomach still hurt?" Amy asked quietly as Mark shook his head, kissing her forehead, "I'm fine, now, thank you, love."

"You're welcome, bab."

"I love you, Amy."

"I love you, too, Markle Sparkle."


im sorry its so short????

-sam 💕

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