Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Wednesday October 10th 2018

Day seven of the prank war

Alex's POV

John and I had completed our prank on Jeffershit that morning. John had to go back to his dorm to work on some homework, so I'm left to prepare for the squad hangout on my own.

We're meeting in my dorm, since we wouldn't have to deal with roommates. Since I am the host, I have to provide most of the snacks. I pile snacks in my arms to get as many as I can with one meal card swipe. Thankfully this kind of thing is one of the unexpected skilled I've gain from my first two-ish months of college. My arm capacity is way higher then before, my stacking technique is on point, my pockets used to their highest potential. (My secret is to poke tiny holes in chip bags to drain them of excess air. I don't get caught because I can do it super fast with my gift) However, it is a struggle to open doors. I'm left with using my feet to open them and propping my dorm open when I leave so I don't have to struggle with the key.

I empty my arms on the couch and start shuttling the different snacks to the tiny table. All the chips, gummy candies, chocolate, and soda.

I also have some empty journals, so I find one to use to deal with this mess of a situation. Writing stuff down also makes me feel organized, and I can have the memory of a goldfish if I don't organize my thoughts.

The squad arrives in five minutes. First John, then the Schylur Sisters, the Laf and Herc, and finally Maria. They all squish themselves on the couch, after grabbing snacks of course.

"Alright, lets get this started," I say, standing up. Every stops talking and looks up at me. "Jeffershit has threatened John. The day after, yesterday, he told Laf that he had some information about John that could hurt him. This is all the solid information that we have. We don't know his motive, only what he has done," Angi raises her hand. "Yes?"

"What has John done that Jeffershit is able to blackmail him like this?" Ah right, I was afraid that they'd ask. I still haven't asked John if it's okay if Laf knows. I look over at him. He's looking back at me. He looks away and chews on his lip as if in thought. He then stands up and walks over to me. He turns to face the squad.

"I'm-" He starts. He grabs my hand, I squeeze it and I don't let go. "I'm an elemental" his breath catches in his throat. Everyone immediately gets up and hugs him as his knees give way. We're all piled on the ground in a giant group hug, with John in the very middle.

The meeting dissolves as we take a few minutes to reassure John that we won't tell anyone about his gift and destress. After twenty minutes of snacking and laughing John builds up the courage to create a small red flower and a small sprig of some kind of evergreen? I think. I don't know trees.
"Amaryllis" He takes the flower. "Pride," and transfers his attention to the green sprig. "Arborvitae, unchanging friendship," he grins.

"How do you know that?" Herc asks in awe.

"I bought a pdf of a Victorian book of the language of flowers," he grins.

I will never be more proud of anyone in my entire life. His smile is so genuine, so soft. I smile to myself.

Soon we get focused again, and I'm back in front of the couch so we can brainstorm Jeffershit's motive and what to do about it.

"We can't forget that Jeffershit likes you, Alex," Laf says. "He might be trying to get Johns secret out so you dump him,"

"Good point," I say. "Unfortunately for him I am also an elemental and even if I wasn't I wouldn't care. But it also seems like he want's everyone to know. If it was only about getting us to break up I'd think that he'd only tell me, not you,"

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