Chapter 7

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John's POV

At the end of art class I noticed a slip of paper on the desk. A phone number, who I assume is Alex's, is scrawled on a slip of paper. I tap it into my phone and text it.

Johnthebean: Hello is this Alex?

Smallangryhamman: Yeeessssssss

Johnthebean: hi

Smallangryhamman: ;) sit on my face sit-SIT ON MY FACE!!!!!

Johnthebean: ...

Johnthebean: wtf

Smallangeryhamman: dhalrfqguheobqgyq1v.5ey7gw

Smallangeryhamman: Omg i am so sorry that was my terrible friend Laf

Johnthebean: lol

I smile and start walking to my dorm. 

Alex's POV

I watch John pass the bush in which I am currently hiding.The texts I sent were a decoy. Once I really met this kid, I had to know his entire schedule. I also still didn't know if he had a gift. As he gets farther away from me. So far there is no proof that he has a gift other than the magical buzz that completely floods my senses whenever where near each other and his sketch book that is mostly inspired by nature. I had to catch him using magic.

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