Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

There are three days left before school starts and my roommate still isn't here. When I started caring I checked my schedual. My roommates name is Matthew Lewis, and he is living on the edge. Most of the people are already here and figuring out the campus. I decide to get up and go get some breakfast. I text the group to see if they want to come.

Smallangryhamman: hey want to get some food?

Andpegglet: Sure!!

Bestofwomen: yes! Definitely!

Jesuislafritelaplusfrançaise: do they have croissants? 

Hercmuscleman: FOOOOOOOOODS!

Womeninthesequel: already there haven't ordered yet hurry up

I quickly pull my brown hair into a ponytail, grab my keys and leave the room. I walk the few blocks to the diner. I see Angelica sitting at a table with a coffee. I wave at her and she smiles back. I enter the small warm diner and walk towards Angelica. I sit down and we start talking. Eventually the rest of the crew comes in, we order food and chat about everything. Eventually the topic of roommates comes up. This year none of us have a room together. 

"My roomate is a total idiot, she doesn't know how a stove works." Peggy complains. "Im not that great of a cook either so we have been surviving off of ramen and pirogies. I usually love that but eating it everyday gets old." 

"Ugghh and my roommate is vegetarian, im not saying thats bad but she's so obnoxious about it. I got a burger last week and she came in while I was eating it." Angi adds. "and she said 'Oh I'm vegetarian so can you please not eat that around me" 

"My roommate is insists that his name is spelled with a 'B' but his name is Michael." Laf rants.

"I really don't understand how people can act lile that! They're so oblivious to everything!" I say.

"What about your roommate Alex?" Herc asks. 

"They aren't here yet, but their name is Matthew Lewis." I say.

"Ooh! My roommate's friend's name is Maria Lewis. I'll ask her if she knows him!" Eliza says. 

We continue talking and eating untill I feel something familiar. I hear the door close and I look up. When I see him I freeze. It's the mysterious boy from the airport. We make eye contact. He is now close enough to see properly. He has deep brown eyes and freckles absolutely everywhere. This magical hum seems to surround us, blocking out everything else. He blinks and turns away, the hum fades and the noise of the diner comes back. 

"Alex?" Eliza asks putting her hand on mine. I snap my focas to her.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You okay? You seem kind of distracted for a second."

"I'm fine just zoned out for a second." I say taking a sip of my coffee. We finish our food and head back to the dorms. When I get to my door, it's already unlocked. I rush in, but stop. There is a girl in a red dress, long brown hair, and light brown skin, standing in the middle of my room. She turns around.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, I'm Maria Lewis. I'm your roommate." She says softly. 

"But, your a girl and this is the boys dorm." I say surprised. 

"Uh, my parents put me in here and all the girls dorms are filled. And I'm into girls." She says awkwardly. A light bulb clicks in my head.

"Ohhhhh! Your trans!" I say. "That makes sense." I see her flinch when I say that. "Hey it's okay, I'm cool with that." She physically seems less tense. 

"Oh my gosh thank you, you have no idea what that means to me!" She says. Her phone pings and she pulls it out. "Oh," Her voice falls.

"What?" I ask. 

"My friends roommate Peggy asked her if I knew a Matthew Lewis, and she's wondering if she can tell her." She sighs.

"Oh! Sorry thats my fault, Peggy is a good friend of mine." I laugh. She laughs a bit and texts her friend before putting her phone away. "Do you need any help unpacking?" I ask.

"Yeah actually, thanks." She smiles. I remember that what is supposed to be her bed is covered in papers and what not. I wave my hand and they fly up into the air and onto my side of the room. "Woah! You still exist!" She exclaims. 

"Yeah, how do you know about us?" We start talking as we unpack the few things she owns. She has a little white dog named Nala that she had to leave at a family friend's house, she used to have a bob, she likes snakes and wants to get a corn snake and name it Corinne. She can also cook, well enough, which is good because I can burn water. She seems really nice, I think everyone else would like her.

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