Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

The next day in class I am exhausted. It doesn't help that that art class is today and I am totaly unprepared. I walk in to the class and immediately that magical buzz surrounds me. I look around and find the kid with poofy hair and freckles. He is staring straight at me. I decide to sit next to him. 

"Hi, Alexander Hamilton." I hold out my hand for him to shake. 

"John Laurens." He takes my hand and firmly shakes.

The art professor, Professor Willow gives a quick introduction to the class and lets us free draw for the entire class. John glances over at me.

 "Where's your sketch book?" He asks.

"I don't know how to draw." I say. He smiles.

"Aw, don't be modest." He pushes his sketch book over to me, along with a drawing pencil. "Here," 

I take the pencil and stare at the paper. I don't know where to start. I slowly draw what is suppossed to be a circle. I remember an elementary art teacher saying that noses are like pears, so I draw a pear in the middle of the circle. I then draw lip-like things underneath that pear. 

"What's that?" John asks

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"What's that?" John asks.

"You?" I say. He bursts out laughing. His laugh is like a crystal clear bell that jingles happily.

"Can you really not draw?" He laughs. I shake my head, feeling my face grow hot. "Do you want to look at some of my stuff?" He asks. I nod my approval. He flips to the front of his sketch book and starts flipping through, giving quick summaries about each one and letting me absorb the sheer perfection of each one. Most of them have an earthy theme, plants, animals, earthy colors. I think he might have the gift of earth. Once the last page has been admired he closes the book and sets it aside.

"So, how are you in this class?" He asks.

"I honestly have no Idea. The last art class I took was in elementary school, and I had never paid attention." I say. "Have you taken any art classes? Other than the mandatory ones." 

"Yes? I'm mostly self taught. The classes I took were mostly color theory or fabrics." He says. "Do you do anything else creative?" He asks.

"M hm. I write. Some of the time its just rants, but mostly short stories." I say. "But one time I wrote a 3,000 word essay without realizing."

"Wow! I can bearly write a decent paragraph! What do you write about?" 

"The essay was about Americas first treasury secretary, Lin-Manuel Miranda, the stories depend on whats on my mind. After the most recent election I wrote a story about rebels who took down the monarchy." 

"Cool! Have you heard of the game add on?" He asks.

"No, what is it." 

"Its where you draw something simple, like a stick figure, and add stuff to it." He takes a piece of paper and draws a stick figure. He passes it over to me. I give it an afro. We start passing the paper back and forth, creating someone that should probably be put in a mental hospital. 

"ALEXANDER!!" Someone screams. I turn around and a furious Peggy was standing there. 

"What?" I ask.

"What do you mean what? I've been calling your name for five minutes!!" 

"Oh, sorry." 

"Jesus christ Alex, it was like you were in your own world." I glance at John, he shrugs. Thats when I notice everyone in the class staring at us. "Come on." She grabs my arm and pulls me out of the classroom. I give a small wave to John as I stumble after Peggy. The magical buzz subsides.

"What do you want Peggy?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"What's up with you? Everytine we have seen that kid around campus you kind of lose your self! It was like you couldn't even hear me!" 

"Well, I couldn't." She gapes at me. She opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off. "We have some sort of connection. I'm pretty sure he has the gift of earth. But when ever I get close to him this, magical hum sort of, fills the air. It blocks out all noises other than us. Next time you need to get my attention when John's around just tap me on the shoulder. Don't make such a big scene." 

"Fine, but tell Eliza before your relationship gets romantic." 

"I, uh, Peggy, what?!" I stutter, but she enters the classroom before she can explain.

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