Chapter 14

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I go to Lafayette's dorm and knock on the door.

"It's unlocked!" He yells from inside. I open the door and step inside. Hercules is on the couch.

"Hey Herc, where's Laf?" I say, sitting down on the couch next to him.

"He's in the bathroom, he'll be out in a bit. What's up?"

"Eh, nothing."

"I know that face, that's not a 'nothing' face."

"Thomas fucking Jefferson fucking kissed me, and then I went to Dream and Bean with John and he fucking showed up again."

"WHAAAT!" I turn around and Lafayette is standing there in the doorway.

"Yeah," I say. He plops down on the couch next to me.

"Spill the tea sis."

"After political science, I was daydreaming and everyone else had left. Neither of us had any other classes after, so we took a longer rout back to the dorms. We walked through a smaller alley, he stopped walking and yeah." I explain. 

"Why were you hanging out with him?" Laf asks with a confused look.

"He's not a bad guy,  just not my type."

"Huh, and you ditched John at Dream and Bean?"

"Don't remind me, I already feel guilty enough as it is." I say burying my head in my hands. 

"Well then call him and explain why you left!"

"Ugh, I can't"

"Why not?"

"I just can't"

"Come on Alex, you're usually not like this." I stay silent. "Alex, do you like John?" He says after a moment.

"What? N-no, you don't know what you're talking about." I say standing abruptly. 

"Alexander Hamilton you are in love." Laf says as a grin spreads across his face.

"No I'm not, shut up, I barely know him."

"Oh ho ho you are, and you've fallen hard."

"Shut up! What do you know anyway." I say as I abruptly rush to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

"ALEX AND JOHN SITTIN IN A TREE!" Laf yells from the other room. 

"SHUT UP!" I shout back as I sit on the toilet and bury my face in my hands, but once I close my eyes, the only thing I see is him. With his piercing green eyes and the constellation freckles, his bright cheery smile and his poofy long brown hair. I shake my head to clear my mind and I realize that my heart is racing. I get up and lean against the sink. I catch a glimps of my reflection and my face is flushed. Am I blushing? No, no I can't be. I splash some water in my face, and I am in a better place. I take a few deep breath and open the door. 

Laf and Herc are still sitting on the couch together. I remember when they first got together, they literally couldn't be apart for ten minutes. 

I try to sneak out the door but I'm spotted before I make it three feet.

"Alexander!!" Laf yells. "Where are you going!"

"Uh, out?"

"Nope, get back here." 

"Fine." I sigh and awkwardly sit on the couch next to them. 

"So, what else has been going on in the life of Alexander Hamilton?"

"School, writing, debate, not much else."

"Really? Nothing else?"


"Ok, do you want to do something?"

"Disney movie marathon?" Herc asks.

"Mmm, what about Harry Potter?" I say.

"OOH! What about Avatar?" Laf suggests. I look at Herc and he shrugs. 


"Yus." Laf jumps up, grabs the disk and puts it into the DVD player. He jumps back onto the couch with several blankets. I have a feeling that I'm going to be here all night.

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