Chapter 4

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A bright light burns into my eyelids. I groan and pull my sheets over my head. I stayed up until three in the morning writing. I grab at my blankets to pull them closer, but they aren't there. Cold air hits me like a wall. 

"Mariaaaaa." I whine. 

"Did you stay up all night writing?" She says.

"...yes." I mutter.

"Well get dressed, classes start today."  Class! I raise my hand and my clothes fly over to me from the floor. Maria goes into the kitchen while I wearily get changed. I pull on a dark green sweatshirt, black pants, and my brown sneakers. I pull my messy tangled hair back into a ponytail. I take my phone off the charger and stuff it in my pocket. I groggily half walk half stumble into the kitchen. I fall onto a stool and Maria places a plate of scrambled eggs and toast infront of me. I eat ravenously, as I had only had a bowl of cereal for dinner, even though Maria made both if us little pizzas. 

"What are you majoring in?" She asks me after swallowing a mouthful of eggs. 

"Law, and minoring in writing." I say, pushing my empty plate away. "You?" 

"Environmental science and minoring in music." She says. 

"Oh cool! What instrument do you play?" I say, curious.

"Ukulele, piano, and soprano saxophone." 

"Cool, I can play a c major scale and heart and soul on the piano." She laughs. We continue to talk while she finishes eating. We grab our stuff and we walk out the door. I glance at my schedual while we're still walking. History with Professor Washington in ten minutes and art later today. I should probably  pick up a sketch book later today, and are there special expensive artist pencils or can I just use a  normal one? I can probably just use a normal one, its the first day the Professor will tell us what materials we need, or will they have them? I haven't stepped in an art room since middle school. 

"Where are you headed?" Maria breaks my train of thought.

"Uh, history." I say.

"I'm going to Biology. It's right here, so I'll see you later Alex." She waves heading off in a different direction. While I watch her go, I notice a boy walking in the same direction. A boy with puffy hair in a ponytail, a green shirt, and what seems to be a sketch book clutched to his chest. He's too far away to know if its the same guy, but I feel like he is. I should say hi to him sometime. That thought suprises me, If it weren't for my friend I would eat lunch alone, absorbed in my own world. I turn and walk to the history building, quickly finding the room, and sitting down. I glance around at the few people already here, none if them are Herc, but I do notice Thomas chewing gum in the corner. I hope we have debate together again so I can roast his purple ass. I pull out a notebook and turn to the first page. The trickle of students slowly increases, filling up the chairs. I check the time, three minutes till class starts. Herc is never late to class, being punctual is his top priority at school. By now the only open seat is next to me and a few in the front row. The doors open and Da-Professor Washington strides in. I check the time again, one minute and counting. I watch the  Professor organize some papers. The door opens and Herc bursts in, his blue beanie slightly lopsided. He quickly finds me and rushes to the empty seat. 

"Good morning, I hope you all have had and easy time finding the building." He glance at Herc. "Welcome to U.S History, this course will cover nearly everything from the first people on the continent all the way to this very second. War tactics to political movements, mass genocide to famous pacifists, and everything between. Now! Im sure you all have your textbooks." I glance down at the back-breaking book that was the most expensive thing I had to buy. I know by now that Washington is going to talk most of the period. I rip a corner off a paper from my notebook and quickly scrawl 'where were you?' I toss the paper over to Herc. He writes his reply and passes it back to me. 'I accidentally broke my alarm clock when I was trying to hit snooze.'  I smile to myself. When nothing wakes him up he can sleep until noon and he has broken an alarm clock at least once a year. He passes me another note. 'Has your roommate showed up yet?'  Ah, I forgot to text everyone.'Yeah right before I got back home, She's a Trans girl whose parents forced her to stay in the boys dorm, Her name is Maria.' I flick the note back to Herc and tune in to Professor Washington to make sure he isn't saying anything important. He's not. The note lands on my notebook again. 'Marlex? OTP.' I grimace, he is contantly trying to ship me with someone even if I only talk to them once, the last one was me and an exceptional flirty barista, some guy, I forget his name. 'She's gay.' I write.

"Son." I jump and spin around in my chair. Professor Washington is standing directly behind me and Herc. He reaches over me and grabs the note. "Marlex, OTP." He flips over the scrap of paper. "She's gay." He turns to me. "Who's gay?" He crumples the note. "First day and your already passing notes."

"Sorry Da- Professor." I say. He smiles.

"I can't say I blame you, the first day isn't the most attention grabbing. You're off the hook today." He tosses the note onto the table. "Talk to me after class." He whispers to me. "Your friend can stay as well." He walks away, continuing the good character, don't drink if underage, yada yada yada speech.  Class ends and everyone gets up. Jefferson makes a point of pulling my hood over my head as he passes. I haul my messanger bag iver my shoulder and walk up to Professor Washington. Hec waits for me.

"Hey son. You doing okay?" I brush off the son.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" 

"You seemed kind of down when I dropped off your schedule."

"Just board, The sisters, and Laf were away and Herc was working."

"I also noticed that your roommate just checked in yesterday morning. Is he nice?"

"Oh, yeah she's great." 


"She's Trans but her parents forced her to stay in the boys dorm. She's the one thats gay so nothing bad is going to happen." 

"Ah." He smiles. "Have you used your gift infront of her?" 

"Yeah, she had actually known we existed, she just didn't know we still did."

"Okay, good, you may go son."

"I'm not your son." I catch a glint of sadness in his eyes before I turn and leave. 

George Whishy Washy's POV

I watch Alex go, he almost called me Dad today. Still refusing me calling him son though. I need to call Martha.

Alex's POV

Herc is waiting for me outside.

"What did he want?" He asks.

"Just checking in with me. Making sure I was getting along with Maria, he know how I can get with people that I loathe." Herc chuckles. I check my watch. It's 10:05. "How about we all meet at my place tonight, I can introduce Maria." 


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