Chapter 28

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I'm grabbing lunch in the dinning hall before I have to run to my fine arts class. 

"Bonjooouuur mon ami!" I jump from someone unexpectedly grabbing my shoulders.

"Laf! Jesus Christ! You almost made me drop my lunch!" My grilled cheese close to the edge of my tray, way too close for comfort. I nudge it back to the center.

He laughs. "Sorry John, but a little birdie told me that a certain John Laurens and a certain Alexander Hamilton finally got together Saturday night,"

"Yes yes," I start walking to a table in a corner. "We did. I kissed him, and then we went to my dorm-" Laf dramatically gasps. "Not like that get your head out of the gutter, we cuddled," I set my tray down and slide into the plastic seat.

"Okay but are you officially dating?" He sits next to me and rests his chin on his hands.

"Yes, Alex is now my boyfriend," I hiss at him. "Now I have to eat this quickly and get to class,"

"Right right, but are you still mad at him?" He asks.

"Laf, he's managed to turn me into a huge disaster gay, I'll get over it soon," I take a bite of my sandwich.

"Okay, but just warning you, Jefferson somehow found out and I think he's looking to talk to you," He stands up and thumps me on the back. "I have to run to a study group, good luck!" I wave him goodbye as he almost trips over a chair leg on his way out. Thomas's looking for me? I wonder what he could want. I shrug it off and scarf down my sandwich. I place my tray above a trash can and refill my water bottle before heading out. 

I start making my way towards the art building at a brisk pace. I can't be late to art, I'm working on a fairly large acrylic painting and I need all the time I can get to work on it. The building is halfway across campus, and when I'm halfway there Thomas intercepts me.

"Hey John, can I talk to you for a second?" His voice sounds a little more French than usual.

"I'm kinda in a rush here Thomas, I can't be late," I don't stop walking. He rushes to catch up with me.

"Okay, can we talk on your way there?" 

"I guess, but make it quick," I sigh.

"Okay, I know that you know that I like Alex, and I know that you two just started dating. I just wanted to let you know that I have a hard time getting over crushes and when I'm high I can be very impulsive,"

"What does that have to do with Alex? Or me?" I ask, I'm starting to get annoyed now.

"That one time I kissed Alex," He started, "I was kinda high. I made brownies and got hungry during class and forgot that there was weed in them,"

"Maybe you should stop doing drugs then," I suggest. "It might make everything a little easier,"

He laughs. "I can tell you've never had weed before. Anyway, if I ever make any advances on Alex it's the weed. I would never try to do that now that I know that he's in a happy relationship,"

I lift an eyebrow at his reasoning. "Why do you seem different than usual? You're usually more assholy than this,"

"Rude, but understandable. Have a nice day John," He thumps my back and starts leaving.

"Wait a second, Lafayette, what are you doing?" The guy who I originally thought was Thomas turns around looking bewildered.

"How did you know?" He asks. 

"You always thump me on the back when you leave, you have a french accent, you're one of the few people that I let call me John, and you're mush less of an ass hole. Why were you pretending to be Thomas?" 

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