Chapter 11

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Alex's POV 

I didn't have any classes that afternoon so I could stalk John. I knew that he was in Building C (Idk how college works XD), so I went to Building C half an hour before he had his class there, and climbed onto the roof. Don't ask how I did it, I don't know either.

I wait for a few minutes before I see students start to filter into the building. Shut up, it took me a while to get onto the roof. Eventually I see John brown poof of hair. He's wearing a green sweater, jeans, and there is a small bunch of blue flowers behind his ear. Cute.

I wonder if he made the flowers. 

Eventually, as John gets closer to the building the familiar magical buzz begins to drone in my ears, blocking all other noises. It seems like he doesn't notice, but he glances up in my direction, I quickly duck down before he can see me. I stay like that for a minute until my back pocket vibrates. I pull out my phone, John texted me.

Johnthebean: I howS thE wEather Up there?

I ignore the random I at the beginning, and the weird capitalization. At first I think that he means up on the roof, but he's probably referencing the fact that I'm taller and he's a smol bean. He's also the only person that I've ever been taller than

Smallangryhamman: good :) hows the weather down there?

Johnthebean: le prof est ennuyeux (The teacher is being boring)

Smallagryhamman: amusement (Fun)

Johnthebean: gtg le prof has noticed

Smallangyhamman: <3

Frick why did I send that. I would delete it, but I think he already saw it. 

I climb down from the roof when I'm sure that no one is around. 

"Alexander! Why are you climbing that building!?" I hear some one say. I freeze, still hanging from the wall. 

"Uh," I start, turning my head. Professor Washington is standing ten feet away from me. I hop down off the wall. "Noooo, reasoon," 


"Don't call me son."

"Alexander," He sighs. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine."

"Okay," There's a pause. "Just know that you can talk to me."

"Yes, yes, I know."

"Okay, You should stop by at home some time, Martha misses you."  

"Okay, I might drop by sometime after class."

"Great, she'll appreciate that. Have a good day son." And he walks off.

"I'm not your son" I say,  but he's already gone.

No one else is around, so I decide to climb back onto the roof. And no, I still don't know how I did it. I waste the time taking internet quizzes. Apparently I wound be Mean Girls the musical, feasting in the great hall on Halloween, my favorite color is pink, which it isn't, I belong in the 1700's, I should be a firefighter, I'm a Slytherin, I'd be a Sicilian pizza, I won't get married, I'd be a chow chow, my celebrity soulmate would be Michale B. Jordan, I should visit Montana, I'm extremely sensitive, my fetish is leather, and I'm sixty percent outgoing, and that's only some of my results. 

Eventually I realize that John class is ending in fifteen minutes. I go to the edge and stare down until students start stampeding out of the building. I catch John in the crowd, and I catch the flowers behind his ear slip out and fall on the ground. I catch then with my gift and float it up to the roof. As it flys up, it starts wilting and petals start falling off. By the time it gently rests in my hands, it had almost completely disintegrated. 


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