Chapter 2

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Two weeks later

Peggy's POV

Me, my sisters, and our dad just landed at the airport. We're hoping that our friends remembed that we were landing today. We walked around to find them, they would be the big group with the embarrassing signs. We were approaching a corner when we heard them. Blasting our favorite songs. All on top of each other. We turned the corner and saw Alex, Hercules, and Lafayette. Lafayette was wearing a pink dress, one that Angelica owned, holding a sign that said Angelicaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hercules was wearing a blue dress, like Eliza's favorite, holding a sign that said Elizaaaaaaa! And Alex. He was wearing simple yellow dress, like the one that I was currently wearing, and levitating the biggest sign of them all, it read AND PEGGY!!!!! Yes. In all caps. 

Dad softly chuckled behind us.

"Alex!" Eliza squeals, runing up to embrace him. Angelica stands next to me with a sad smile.

"I hope she's careful with that one." She says. We join our sister and friends, and start chattering about our vacation. 

"..and there was that one time we went zip lining and Angelica went first but she didn't have enough momentum to get to the bottom!"

"Oh! And remember that parrot that knew how to say my name!"

"Ohmegosh! And that time Peggy  tipped me out of the hammock into the ocean!"  Thats when Alex speaks up.

"Ooh! I almost forgot! Guys we picked up your schedule before comming." He passed us the papers.  

"Why am I in an art class?" I said. "I don't even draw." 

"Huh, weird the same thing happend to me." Alex says. 

"Oh no, your even worse then me, if thats possible." I laughed playfully shoving him. He grins.

We walked through the airport, grabbing some lunch on the way. We continued to talk about our trip. Suddenly Alex stopped walking and looked around frantically.

"What's wrong Alex?" Eliza asks.

"I don't know, but I think someone with powers is here." He says, still looking around. Then he stops. I follow his gaze and see a kid, around our age, with light brown poofy hair in a ponytail. He is quickly walking, but he and Alex make eye contact for a split second. The boy flushes up and walks faster. Alex turns back to the group and shakes it off.

"Let's  keep going." He says, but he seems a little shaken up.

We walk for a few minutes, maybe getting lost a few times, before exiting the airport. 

"Laf where did you park your car?" I ask, gazing at the vast ocean of asphalt and cars.


"I took a picture of it Laf." Alex said showing him a picture on his phone.

"Ah! Oui we're over there!" He pointed across the parking lot. We start walking in that direction for what seems like forever. Finally we can see his french antenna topper. He pulls out his keys and unlocked the car. My sisters and I load out suitcases into the trunk.  We then clamber into the car, though our dad decides to just take our car home. Laf and Herc are in the front, and Angelica, Eliza, Alex and I are all squished in the back. Laf starts driving home. 

"Alex, you seemed a little shaken up after you saw that kid. What's that about?" Eliza asks, concerned. 

"Uh, I have never met anyone with an elemental gift like me. We used to make up half the population, but now we are very scarce. My mom used to tell me about the annual element rendezvous and how there were people with ever gift of every age. But the actual meeting was just discussing political stuff. She said that she would fall asleep pretty often. She might have also mentioned some sort of connection two elements would have. I never really knew what it ment but she said it was rare to find that connection. It's also really weird, I don't even know if he has powers. I don't know if thats why I could feel him in the room and I can't stop thinking about it." 

Alex's POV

That wasn't why I was shaken up. That vision of him blushing when we made eye contact just wouldn't go away. It wasn't if he was an elemental or not.

Peggy's POV

"Weird." I say. "Should we have a long overdue movie and game night?" A unanimous yes resonates within the car. 

*Magical Elemental Time Skip*

"Where are we going?" Laf asks. 

"Lets go to the Schylur Mansion." Herc says.

"It's not a mansion!" Me and my sisters say, as if on cue. 

"The Household of the Great Schylur Family." Herc rolled his eyes. (A/N for some reason I kept typing in 'Herc rolled his eyebrows' I guess I've had enough braining today)

"Thank you." We say, again in sync. 

Laf drives to our house and we pile out. I open the trunk and everyone help carry things into the house. Once everything is unpacked as much as we want to right now we go downstairs into the basement. Alex instantly goes for monopoly but everyone stops him. We instead get out the game of life. 

"Hey Laf, remember the last time we played monopoly?" Herc says as we set up.

"Mn hm." Laf hums. "The one and only time Alex lost." 

"What!!!" Alex actually lost monopoly?!" I ask suprised.

"It was one time! One time!!!" Alex yelled.

"Yeah I beat him. It was pretty great." Herc said nonchalantly. 

"Nice!!! Up top." I hold up my hand, he slapped it. 

"Dibs on a car." Alex grumbled. When ever we play life some of us have to sit out or team up because there aren't enough cars.

"Dibs." Angi and Eliza say. One more car left. Me, Herc, and Laf look at each other. 

"I'll play." I shrug. We start playing, Laf joins Angi, Herc joins me, all of us out to get Alex. 

(A/N this chapter is exactly 1000 words and that is making me really really happy.)

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