Chapter 23

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Peggy's POV

I leave John in his dorm asleep and the little remaining ice-cream in their fridge. I need to find a way to fix this, I'm not sure how or who to talk to. Eliza was  dating him, Angi would hate him more. Actually I don't really know how she feels about him, I don't thinks it's positive so I better not get her involved. I mull it over for a few more seconds before the obvious answer hits me like a bolt of lightning. Laf!!

 And what am I going to do with Eliza? She might get hurt if I help her long time crush get together with someone else so soon after their "break up". Neither she nor Angi will forgive me. I'll just have to keep Operation Lams a secret from them. Ugh, that's going to be really hard to do. 

I pull my phone out of my skirt pocket and text Laf.

Andpegglet: I need your help Lams is in danger

Jesuislafriteplusfrancais: Lams???

Andpegglet: John and Alex

Jesuislafriteplusfrancais: OoooOOoOhH honhonhon why are they in danger???

Andpegglet: Alex and Eliza went out on a date but  he likes John and john thinks he was just playing with his heart and now Alex broke it off with Eliza but John is still SUPER angry at him but they both still really like each other 

Jesuislafriteplusfrancais: Merde 

Andpegglet: I know right?? We need a game plan

Jesuislafriteplusfrancais: Yeah, meet me at dream and bean to talk this out

Andpegglet: K be there in 5

I shove my phone back into my pocket and head to the coffee shop.

Laf is already there when I enter the store and I sit down across from him. He has a notebook open to a page titled 'Operation Lams'. 

"Salut Peggy," He says when  he sees me. 

"Hey, I see your prepared," I nod towards the notebook.

"Well, this will affect the future of our entire friend group, I'm going to have to be prepared so this doesn't cause the end of the squad,"

"Good point, have you though of any ideas so far?" I ask him.

"Well, there's the basic force them to spend more time together with the squad, then have less and less people be with them. We could probably do this until John is no longer angry at Alex,"

"That would work, but we're going to have to be careful not to torture Alex with... all of this," I mention. 

"Ok, but he does want to get with John, so should we tell him?" Laf asks, jotting down our ideas in the notebook.

"No no no, then he might think that John wouldn't have forgiven him if he didn't have to," I counter. 

"Good point, we have to make him think that John is doing this all on his own," He makes another note in the journal. "When's the next time the whole squad is free?"

"Hm," I ponder for a moment, "Maybe this weekend, I can't speak for anyone else but my phycology professor gave us an essay that's due this Friday and I have three sentences written," 

Laf laughs, "Ok, we can ask around, I'll text Herc, Alex, and John, you can talk to your sisters,"

"Ok cool, also can I invite Maria?" 

"Of course! How you say, ah yes! The more the merrier!" He grins at me. 

"Sweet!" I grin back, "Then I'll see you this weekend!"

"Right, au revoir mon amie!" We walk out the door, fist bump, and go our separate ways. I'm almost bursting with excitement. Alex and John are practically my OTP, they're absolutely adorable together!

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