Chapter 33

115 4 1

Saturday October 6th 2018

Prank War Day Three

Laf's POV

Our prank is one best done in the morning, and Eliza is still asleep. I stop at a cafe after buying the supply and immediately go to wake her up before her coffee gets cold. 

I knock on her dorm room door and her roommate opens it. I don't know her name, but I have seen her and another girl hanging out with Maria.

"I'm guessing that you're Lafayette?" She asks.

"Oui, is she awake?" I respond. 

"At this hour? Her?" She laughs.

"I'll take that as a no," 

"She will greatly appreciate the coffee though, so it might take less time to get out of bed. I usually just ask her what color hijab I should wear with my outfit. That usually gets her to be more conscious," she steps away from the door and goes back to a book that's sitting on her bed. "You can come in by  the way," she says when she notices that I'm still standing in the doorway.

I kneel on the ground by Elizas bed.

"Bon matin Eliza!" I say quietly. She groans and rolls over. "I brought you coffee!" She opens her eyes and stares intently at the coffee in my hands. She sits up slowly with another groan and takes the coffee from my hand. "Do you need some clothes to change into?" I ask and she nods as she takes a sip. 

"How cold is it?" She asks, her voice still groggy from sleep.

"It's not too bad, but I'd suggest a sweater," I say.

"I have sweatshirts in the bottom left drawer, and can you also grab a pair of jeans from the bottom right?" I nod as I pull the clothes out and fold them at the foot of her bed. She pulls hers self out of bed and starts changing.

"E-Eliza!" I cover my eyes and hastily turn away.

"What? You're very gay and very into Herc, plus I've known you for years calm down,"

"Yeah that's the point! I'm gay! Girls scare me!" I say, my eyes squeezed shut. "Plus I don't want to make you uncomfortable," I mumble.

"You doofus," she punches me playfully in the shoulder. "You can open your eyes now," I peer through my fingers. She's sipping her coffee and she still looks exhausted. "You got everything right?" She asks.

"Oui oui mon ami," I pat my hoodie pockets.

"Cool, lets go," she slips on a pair of sneakers

Eliza's strangely confident when she's tired.

We arrive at Jeffershits dorm, he doesn't have any classes right now, but based off of out observations he usually goes to the library every morning to study, read, or whatever. We just have to wait until we see him leave or we get confirmation that he is in the library. 

While we sit outside drinking our coffees I pull out the paper bag from the cafe containing two scones.

"Lafayette you are a god," she immediately grabs a scone and bites into it. She gnaws on the scone as I scan the dorm entrance for any sign of Jeffershit. I don't see anything, but a few seconds later I get a text from Alex saying that he's just entered the library. Eliza's finished her scone so I place the second back in the bag and we head into the dorm. We find his rooms and I just realize that any sane person would lock their dorm.

"How did you get in on Thursday?" I ask.

"Maria picked the lock," she says, finishing the last of her coffee. "She taught me how yesterday, gimme a second," she fishes around in her back pocket and pulls out two hair pins. She jimmies them inside the lock for a few minutes before it clicks open.

We quickly slip inside and shut the door behind us.

"Okay, the desk on the right is his," Eliza says, pointing to the purple wheely chair.

"I don't know who else would have a purple chair, so that makes sense," I say, crouching besides the chair and pulling out the prank supplies. "Eliza can you sit on it for a sec?" I ask.

"Sure," she slides into the chair, and I make a tiny mark where the chair sinks down to.

"C'est parfait!" I say. "You can get up now," I say when she doesn't move. She groans but pulls herself to her feet. 

I grab the air horn and duck tape it to the chair. I then tape the note to the air horn.

"It's done," I stand up. "Lets go,"

Neither of us have any classes this early in the morning, and Eliza's still tired so we stop at another cafe. She gets a coffee and we sit down. She still looks exhausted and she doesn't even bother to brush her hair out of her face.

"You know you kinda remind me of Alex when you're tired," I say.

"Really?" She says mid sip. "In what way?"

"Well, you're both kinda gremliny, except Alex is all the time when it's just when you're tired,"

"Huh," she sips her coffee and stares off at the horizon.

"Speaking of Alex, how are you doing?" I ask. She shrugs and says nothing, though her eyes soften into a dull sadness.

"It just hurts you know?" She says finally. "We went on one date and that was a mess and now all of a sudden he's with John," she pauses. "It's not like I'm not happy for them! Because I am, they seem really happy together. But I thought I might've had a chance with him when I was competing with someone like John. I just have to get over the crush now,"

"Ah I get it, La douleur exquise," I say.

"What?" She responds.

"Uh, how do you say," I try to translate it in my head, "the pain of wanting someone you can't have,"

"Yeah," she nods, "exactly," 

We change the topic and chat until her coffee cup is empty and we have to go to class

Jeffertshits POV

I stop at my dorm before heading to the dinning hall for lunch. I pull my notes out of the bag and toss them on desk. I remove the books for my morning classes and place them on my chair. The moment the chair sinks under the weight of the text books a loud scream fills the air. I clap my hands to my ear and look around wildly for the source of the scream. I don't see anything except the concerned face of my RA and my dorm neighbors.

"Thomas are you okay?" He yells over the sound. "What happened?"

"I don't know!" I yell, still frantically searching for the source.

"Dude someone put an air horn under your chair!" Some guy yells at me. I looks under my chair and sure enough, there is an air horn. I shove my books off and the noise finally stops. My RA and the others laugh and go back to whatever they were doing. 

I get down on the ground to remove the horn and there is a note taped onto it. Leave Alex and John alone.

Bastard. This is the second day in a row how is he even finding the time to do this? I just saw him in the library.

I crumple the note in my hand and peel the rest of the tape off of my precious purple wheely chair. I set the air horn aside for future pay back and get on with my day.

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