Chapter 24

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Alex's POV

I'm in my law class when my phone buzzes in my pocket, I wait for the professor to turn towards the board. 

Jesuislafritesplusfrancais: Squad hangout this weekend???

Herc responds yes immediately, and I quickly send one as well. I shove my phone back in my pocket and continue listening to the professor. 

A few minutes later my phone buzzes again, and I pull it back out. John asked if anyone else was going to be there. Laf says the Sisters and Maria will also be there. 

"Alexander!" I jump and see that the professor is standing above me. "Do I need to confiscate your phone?"

"No no sorry sir, I'll put it away," I say, shoving it back in my pocket.

"I better not see it again," He continues making his rounds through the desks, talking about some clauses or whatever.

John didn't seem very keen on even hanging out with me, serves me right. I'm an idiot for going with Eliza. Hopefully he decides to come, I'd be happy just to see him again. With his big green eyes,  and his freckles scattered across his face like stars in the night sky. I fantasize about him running up to me and apologizing for ignoring me. He says he loves me and then I cup his face in my hands and I kiss him. He kisses back and then...

"All right that's it for todays lesson," my professor interrupts my daydreaming, and it was just getting to the good part. "I'll want a short essay about the court cases I was talking about. Only five paragraphs, anything longer and I'll give you a zero. I'm looking at you Alexander,"

"Right, nothing longer then five paragraphs," I give him a thumbs up, with full intention to make each paragraph ridiculously long.  He chuckles at me and continues packing up him stuff. 

I'm going to have to ask someone for notes, I got none of the information that was given for the essay.

I have a good half hour before my torts class, so I decide to grab my third coffee of the day on on my way. I take the quick detour all the way downstairs to the Starbucks and order a black coffee. I sit with the drink, which is unsweetened to perfection, and just kinda let my mind wander. I inevitably start thinking about John again and have to physically distract myself, so I pull out a book from my bag. I try to keep my eye on the clock, but three minutes before class and I'm just realizing that if I don't start moving now I might be late. I down the remaining coffee, hastily put the book back without bending any pages and rush up the stairs as fast as I can. 

I get to class a good thirty seconds before the bell, but the professor isn't there yet so I pull out my phone to check is John's coming to the squad hangout. I open messages and find that he did respond. He said he'll be there. My stomach swirls and I can't help but smile. He might hate me with good reason to, but hopefully that get diffused by everyone else there. I can't wait to see him again!

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