Chapter 1

370 13 13

Alex POV

I was sitting on my bed making a small tornado in the air. I watched as it caught dust and whirled around. 

I usually do this when I'm bored and have nothing to write about. This rarely happens. 

I glance at my laptop sitting open on the opposite bed. Word was open and ready to go, but my focas was on the empty bed. It had been empty for a while and I strangely missed the constant annoyance my old roommate was. I can't wait for everyone to come back for the new school year. The sisters were in the Caribbean, Laf was in france, Herc was working all day, heck even Jefferson was away. 

I sighed and flopped back on my bed, the tornado dissipating into the air. I floated my phone over from the other side of the room. I texted the group chat.

Smallangryhamman: Hey guys u there?

Andpegglet!: hey Alex! 

Smallangryhamman: Hows the Caribbean?

Andpegglet!: Its great! 

She then sent me a selfie of her and her sisters in front of a beautiful beach with white sand and crystal clear water. I look out the window. Dark clouds stretched for miles. My phone pinged drawing my attention back.

Andpegglet!: I have to go sorry

Andpegglet!: I'll see you in a few weeks. 

Smallangryhamman: bye

I heard a few raindrops begin to pelt the window. I pull my laptop over and began to write my way out. Clacking keys filled my ears and blocked out the rain. As the hours passed the rain slowed down and stopped. I think I was writing an hour after that because when the door opened  Professor Washington was completely dry. 

"Hey Alex, your schedule arrived." He said holding oit the paper.

"Thanks." I said blankly. I swept the paper out of the air and onto the sheets next to me. 

"You okay son?" He asked. 

"Not your son." I said under my breath. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

"Okay.." He said slowly closing the door. My phone pinged again.

Hercmuscleman: Hey Im almost done my shift

My face broke into a smile. Finally!

Smallangryhamman: Great! want 2 hang?

Hercmuscleman: sure!

He almost immediately sent me a picture of him posing with a mannequin. 

Jesuislafritelaplusfrançaise: Can I FT? (A/N Translation: I am the frenchest fry. I used google translate. 1.5 years of french isn't enough to know this)

Hercmuscleman: Oui

Jesuislafritelaplusfrançaise: je t'amie

Hercmuscleman: I don't know that much

Jesuislafritelaplusfrançaise: ;)

Smallangryhamman: Can i tell him?

Jesuislafritelaplusfrançaise: Non!

Smallangryhamman: Ok

Hercmuscleman: I'll be there soon don't text I'm driving

I set down my phone smiling, I haven't seen Laf all summer, except when we all went to see him off at the airport. 

I went to continue writing, but then I realized what I was writing. Pages and pages of pure rants. I scrolled up a few pages and saw a page long paragraph on why gun control is important and the next was about a cat I found in the streets last week. I shrugged and continued where I left off. 

*Time skip*

Herc's POV

I pulled Alex's key out of my pocket and opend his door. I saw him sitting and writing on his laptop, except he was five feet in the air.

"Alex?" I asked. His powers usually act up when something's up. "You okay?" He turned his gaze towards me and fell back onto the bed. 

"Yeah. "he said. "Monopoly?" 

"Sure." I said pulling out my phone and FaceTimed Laf. He picked up quickly. 

"Mes amis! What are we playing!"

"Monopoly." Alex said with an evil grin. 

"Merde.." He groaned. "Teams?"

"Nope." Alex grinned. He setup the board and card, levitating Laf's cards infront of my phone. After an hour of playing Alex owned almost everything and Laf got yelled at by his grandma for yelling merde too much. 

"Eleven." Laf took a deep breath and Alex moved his piece. "What did I land on?" 

"Heh heh heh." Alex rubs his hand together manically. "Three hotels."

"oh merde tout le monde!!!" Laf screeched. (A/N Translation: oh fudge everyone, except without the fudge.) 

"Regarde ta bouche Laf!" We hear from Laf's grandma for the thousandth time. Alex counts the few dollars Laf has left. 

"Ha! You're in debt!" Alex yells standing up. "I win!!" He cheered.

"I'm still in!" I say.

"Ha! You'll be out in seconds. I smirk. I glance at the boardwalk. I owned it and it has enough hotels to make anyone go bankrupt. Even Alex. He grabs the dice and rolls. I slowly break into a smile as they fall into the perfect combination for victory. Alex moves his peice and lands on the boardwalk. He sits back triumphantly. I hold out my hand.

"Five million please." His jaw drops.

"What!? Don't I own boardwalk?!" He said rifling through his cards. I pull up the boardwalk card.

"Five million please." I repeat. Alex starts counting his money.

"Not enough 500's,.... not enough 100's,....... not enough 50's" He starts going faster and his voice  is increasingly worried. "Not enough 20's, nor 10's, I have no 5's." He started frantically counting his 1's. As the last bill was counted he stopped for a second. He looked up in thought and started counting again. 

"Alex," I say holding out my hand for the money. 

"No, no no no, I just miscounted." I sat and watched as he recounted two more times.

"Alex, the money." He sighed in defeat and handed over all his money. I quickly counted it. Four million, nine hundred twenty seven thousand, nine hundred ninety nine. "Ha!! I win!!" Laf cheered along with me. This was the first time this year that Alex hadn't won Monopoly. 

"Oh well it's just a stupid game." He said. "Hey did you get you schedule yet?" He asked pulling over a paper, which I assumed was his schedule. 

"Oh yeah!" I pulled up a picture of it on my phone. We placed them next to each other, comparing.

"My schedule is really weird this year. I got put in an art class." He says, pointing it out. 

"Hm." I say. "Ooh! We have history together!" 

"And calculus." Alex points out. Sweet, this year I will at least have a friend in two classes. "Hey can you stay here tonight?" He asked.

"Sleepover!! Yes!!!" I grin. Alex lifts a movie out of the case and puts it in the TV. "What movie is it?" 

"Beauty and the Beast." He says. We plop down on the couch and Alex brings over two tubs of ice cream. We silently sit and eat. I slowly cocoon myself in all of the blankets. The warm and cozy blankets, dim lights and the soft glow of the TV lulls me to sleep.

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