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Hello again! This story is based on one of the unfinished ideas by  All credits go to them. Go check them out!

The powers work like this

Air can control the air like wind, but not weather. can levitate objects, can fly

Earth can control rocks and metals, lava and magma included, but not plants. 

Water can control all types of water including water vapor, clouds, rain, and rainbows. Can breathe underwater. Pure water is easier to control.

Fire can control fire but not lava and magma. They are heat resistant. 

Life can control plants, they are very gifted with animals but the animals have free will. Can not create life unless they *cough* keep it pg people *cough*

Electricity can control electrons. They are a power source. Dead batteries, no problem.

Light/color can bent light and change the colors of non living items. They can make people see things that aren't there.

Death can kill at will. They can also reverse death, or resurrect things.

All of them need their element around them  to use it, but this only impacts fire as every other power is everywhere. The only exception is death. I don't know if powers other than air and life will be used. 

ElementsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora