Chapter 18

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After an hour or two people start trickling out of the coffee shop due to other commitments they have. Laf left twenty minutes ago to work on schoolwork and both  Herc and John left for their corresponding jobs. Now it's just me and the Schylur Sisters, but Angi's been in the bathroom for at least five minutes now and Peggy's been on her phone with her earbuds in, so Eliz and I have just been talking. 

"So, how does Laf know John?" She asks me.

"I don't know, I met him in my art class and we've ran into each other a few other times," I respond. 

"Hm, they seem to know each other pretty well, and you two seem pretty close,"

"Yeah, he's pretty great, I like him a lot," I smile too myself. 

"Wait, like like like?" Eliza says. 

"No, no no no, not like that, and even if I did he wouldn't want to be with someone like me anyway," I lie, but he is way out of my league, I'm lucky just to be friends with him. 

"Oh, ok," She sighs in relief, "'cause I was kinda wondering if you wanted to go out with me Friday night," She fidgets with the hem of her baby blue shirt. 

"Oh, um," Well, since John would never date me, it wouldn't hurt. Right? Plus I used to have a crush on her, like two years ago. "Ok," I accept. Her smiles into a smile. I've always thought she was pretty, but I guess she also kinda cute

"Really? Awesome! I'll pick you up from your dorm at 5, that good?"

"Sounds good," I smile at her. 

~Later that week~

I walk into the art building with my bag full of some better supplies that John dropped off at my dorm the day before. 

When I get to my desk I notice that John isn't there. Weird, he's usually one of the first people here. I pull out the thick sketch book as the class starts and follow along as best as I can. John never shows up. 

After class I have time to take a quick walk over to his dorm building, so I hop over and knock on his door. 

Someone shout at me through the door, "What do you want?!" That's not John. 

"Um, is John there?" I ask hesitantly.

"No, fuck off,"

"Ok ok geeze," What a jerk, how does John live with a roommate like him? I shoot him a text and head to my political science class.

An hour after political science I check my phone and John hasn't even seen it. Now I'm starting to get worried, what if something happened to him? What if he's hurt? What if that asshole of a roommate lied and he's been sick in his dorm room all day? Imedietly after these pessimistic thought flood my head my phone pings. I let out a sigh of relief when I see it's John. 

Johnthebean: Hey sorry I wasnt in class today my dad is driving north for work and I forgot there was classes today when he asked 

Smallangryhamman: It's ok! Where are you now?

Johnthebean: Just leaving where we had lunch on my way to my marine bio class 

Smallangryhamman: Ok cool

Johnthebean: :)

Smallangryhamman: :P

John's POV 

I grin at Alex's last text. God he's adorable. I slide my phone back into my pocket as I slide into my seat. 

After class I run into Peggy in the quad. I haven't really talked to her, but she seems cool. 

"Hey John!" She waves her entire arm at me when she sees me

"Hey, Peggy right?" I say, just in case I forgot her name. 

"Yup! So, when I came into you and Alex's art class did you hear me?"

"Yeah," I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck, "but it seemed like Alex was trying to ignore you, so I tried to do the same just in case it would be awkward if I didn't," She stays quiet, digesting what she just heard. "Sorry," I add. 

"No no, it's ok, I'm just trying to figure out what that was about, 'cause it seemed like he liked you b-"

"Wait what!?" I say in disbelief as I feel my mouth stretching into a wide smile. He likes me!

"-ut when Eliza asked him out today after you left he accepted,"

"What?" I say, the smile quickly slipping off of my face. "Alex did what?"

"Yeah, sorry, I've known that Eliza's liked him for a while but if he did he didn't show it," I fall silent, he likes me, or maybe not, but I felt him kiss me and now he's going on a date with Eliza? I feel a sob welling up in my throat.

"I-I have to go," I quickly push past her and speed walk to the closest building, the library. I drop my stuff at a table, rush into the bathroom and lock the stall door behind me as the tears begin to fall.

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