Chapter 16

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John's POV

My freaking brain won't let me sleep, It's two in the morning and I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier tonight.

Alex is an elemental.

I told someone I'm an elemental.

Alex is also and elemental.

I can even remember every single detail about him. The way the moonlight reflected off of his chocolate brown hair. The way his tired eyes light up when he saw me. Even the scent of his sweatshirt. I remember the way I could bearly breath when he said he was Bi and the way my heart was beating so hard it was like it could have jumped straight, wait no, gay out of my chest.

I grab my pillow and bury my face in it. I am way too much of a disaster gay to exist.

After another half hour of me lying on my bed and thinking about Alex, I throw my pillow to the side and push myself out of bed. I stealthily inch my way around the one floor board that always creaks, so I don't wake up Thomas, and seat myself at my desk. I pull out the base of the tiny tree sculpture and the original sketch. I start to work on it and grow more comfortable with using my gift. 

I work for hours until the tree is nearly finished, the only thing I have to do is fill in some of the branches and add the tiny daisies. I've been working for so long that my butt is starting to go numb and my left foot fell asleep. I stand up, using the back of my chair so I don't collapse onto the ground. I shake my foot a bit to get rid of the pins and needles. I glance at my clock and, oh my god, it's nine. I've just pulled an all nighter working on my little tree. Good thing that it's Saturday. I flop onto my bed and fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow.

Alex's POV

I have never been more awake in my life. 

I swear that every time I think about this guy my heart goes haywire. It's literally two and I haven't been able to even close my eyes. 

I sit up and grab my laptop. I pull up word and start writing in a new document.

Hours later and Maria is up and microwaving muffins in mugs for breakfast. She places another mug of coffee next to me and I down half of it in seconds. 

"Alex," She snaps me out of my writing trance.

"Hm?" I look up at her.

"Breakfast?" She hands me a mug and a fork.

"Thanks," I take it and continue writing.

"Alex," She repeats.

"What," I say a little harsher then I meant.

"How long have you been up?" She crosses her arms. "You look exhausted," 

I shrug, "Not that long," I continue writing. 

"Aleexxx, How. Long. Have. You. Been. Up," She says, leaning over my laptop, threatening to close it.

"No no no it hasn't saved!!"I hastily push her off. She gives me a look. "Fine, I've been up since two," I save the document before she can destroy all of it. 

"When did you get back from your walk?"

"Uh, I don't know, didn't check," She looks at me disapprovingly. "Fine! I didn't sleep," 

"Alex! Oh my god, sometimes I wonder how you have survived this long. Honestly I should have known based on the amount of coffee you're absorbing. Give me the laptop, " She holds out her hands for my precious computer. 

"What?! No!" I hastily pull it away from her and hold it close to me. 


"Fine," I begrudgingly let her take my laptop. 

"Thank you, now go the fuck to bed," She throws a blanket on top of me, pushes me over onto my bed, turns the lights off, and leaves the room. 

After a minute, when I'm sure she's gone, I open up my computer and read what I wrote.

Holy crap it's all about John. I wrote a freaking ten paragraph esssay about John. 

I quickly shove it away from me and pull the covers up around my face. 

I fall asleep within minutes.

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