Chapter 8

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Alex's POV 

"Peggy! I swear he has the gift of earth! It's in his sketchbook!! I can feel it!" I'm trying to explain to Peggy why I've been following John for the past few days. 

So far, I've found nothing. I've used my gift infront of him and he hasn't shown me. I'm trying to make him feel comfortable knowing that I also have a gift. I only don't know what his dorm number is so I can't see if he only uses it at his dorm and not around other people.

"Alex, stop, it's really creepy." Peggy crosses her arms.

"But, I-I have to know!!" I start pleading. "Lets say homosexuality was still illegal and you were looking for another lesbian, then you find a girl who is very accepting of homosexuality and shows it in her drawings, writings, or what ever else she would do." Peggy's eyes soften. "You would want to know if she was lesbian. Right?" 

"Right." Peggy sighs. "But couldn't you just ask him?"

"The first time someone asked me if I was bi I said no. The same thing can happen. I want to know for sure." 

 "Fine. I'll let you off the hook. For now. If anyone else finds out I'm not defending you." 

"Thank you!!" I leap up and hug her. 

"You're welcome." She grumbles. "Just tell Eliza, because if you can't tell, she has a huge thing for you."


"Oh you poor oblivious Alexander." She says before walking off.

"What? Does Eliza like me??" I call after her.

"Lets just say you have been a popular conversation topic!" She call back at me. I stare at her, dumbfounded. 

"So, does Eliza have a thing for me?" I yell. She doesn't respond. I give up and head back to my dorm. 

As I'm walking back, I notice the magical buzz faintly ringing in my ears. I look up and see John leaving dorm building two. He's wearing a simple green sweatshirt and jeans.

"John!" I call, "Hey! John!" He looks over at me in surprise.

"Oh, hey Alex!" He says as I run over to him.

"Are you doing anything right now?" I ask.

"No," He states.

"Great! Want to hang out at my place? My roommate's off with some guy."

"I- uh, ok!" He says, slightly flustered. Cute.

We start walking towards my dorm.

"John, I was browsing the interwebs last night and I found an article about people with gifts. It said something about 'the more you use it the more it is implanted into your genes'."

"That's interesting." He responds.

"So you know about gifts?" I ask, trying to get him to say that he has one.

"Yeah, I ha-, I mean, an old friend of mine had one." He says, red faced.

We walk the short disance to dorm building 3. When we get to the door I float the key out of my pocket. John doesn't notice. I than partially float it into the key hole, still doesn't notice. I open the door and let him in. We stay silent for a minute.

".. So, what do you want to do?" I ask awkwardly breaking the silence. 

"Uhh, watch a movie?" He asks. 

"Sure. What movie?" I ask.

"I always carry my favorite around with me." He says, reaching down and pulling out a red DVD case titled 'Love, Simon'. (A/N I know some people will disagree with me but this movie is the greatest thing that has ever been created. I would carry it around with me everywhere.) I hadn't seen it before and I hadn't paid any attention to the adds on TV, it seemed funny but nothing had really caught my attention. Simon was pretty cute though, despite that fact that he's in high school. 

"Ok!" He hands me the disk and I put it into the DVD player. 

"Is it okay if I sketch at the same time? I have multiple ideas in my head that I want to get down." He says also pulling out a sketch book and two pencil cases. 

"Yeah! Thats fine!" I say as I hit play on the movie. 

As I'm listening to the opening dialogue I'm still not interested untill he reveals that he's gay. 

(Le time skip)

I'm sitting there, bawling my eyes out at the end of the movie. I can hear John doing the same. We're both clinging on to each other, our finger tightly intertwined. The credits roll by and neither of us move. When the movie ends and goes back to the home screen we still haven't moved. His oversized green sweatshirt is just so warm and comforting. Eventually the TV turns off on its own and I turn my head towards John. He's fallen asleep. I stare at his constellation freckles and curly hair. His skin is perfectly smooth and his lips look so soft. I run my hand through his ponytail. It's soft and free of any knots, it smells like coconut. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I lean over and kiss him on the head.

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