Chapter 34

46 3 9

Sunday, October 7th 2018

Prank War Day Four

Johns POV

Alright here we go. Time to prank Jeffershit. I'm meeting up with Eliza outside his dorm and buying the powdered soup beforehand. I take a brisk walk off campus to a small grocery store and wander until I find the bouillon. I grab what is definitely an ungodly amount of soup and purchase it while being stared at by the cashier. I grab the bag and hurry off, that will be quite the story for them to tell later. 'Some weird guy bought so much soup today, there is no way that he's okay'.

I speed walk back to Jeffershits dorm and find Eliza sitting on a bench chatting with someone.

"Hey Eliza!" I say, trying to wave but carrying too much soup.

"Hey Johnny boy!" She grins. The other person says something to Eliza before leaving.

"Who was that?" I asks as I sit down next to her.

"Classmate asking about an assignment, she's kinda annoying. Thank goodness you came when you did or else I'd never be able to get rid of her," She explains. "You got the goods?" She peeks into my bag.

"Yup," I say. "You got the bobby pins?"

"Yup," she responds. "And I've checked the group chat on Jeffershit's position. He is well away from us and we will be updated on any movements,"

"Great, lets do this thing,"

Eliza leads me up the stairs to Jeffershits room and starts picking the lock. After a few seconds we hear shuffling inside and the door swings open. I swiftly pull her away from the door so it's not quite so obvious that she was picking the lock. What I assume to be Jeffershits roommate stands in the doorway in a large red sweatshirt and pj pants, and obviously and just gotten out of bed.

"Are you the two who have been pranking Thomas for the past three days?" He asks, sounding tired.

"I- uh, no..?" I stammer. A slight smile dances on his lips.

"It's fine, it's actually really entertaining," He steps aside to let us in. "I'm Jeremy," He says.

"I'm John, and this is Eliza," I say as we enter the dorm, Jeremy closing the door behind us.

"Oh and that's Micheal," He points to the bed on the left side of the room where a human sized mass in balled up inside all the blankets. "Try not to be too noisy, or you'll wake him up,"

"We'll be careful," I promise.

"Just avoid showering for the next few days," Eliza says, pulling the powered soup out of my bag and heading into the bathroom. I follow her and shut the door to try and prevent too much noise from escaping into the main room.

She steps into the shower and carefully removes the cover of the shower head.

"Bouillon," She reaches an empty hand out. I open a soup packet and hand it to her. She pours the contents into the shower head.

"Do you think that'll be enough?" I ask, trying to look into the shower head by standing on my toes.

"There could never be enough powdered soup when it comes to revenge on Jeffeshit," She replies and opens her hand for more soup.

She ends up dumping in three more packets before screwing the cover back onto the shower head. Powder pours down onto the tiled ground. Eliza swears under her breath.

"Sorry," She says.

"It's okay, I'll find something to wash it away," I step out of the bathroom and take a few steps into the middle of the room to get Jeremys attention. "Hey, do you have a cup or something?"

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