Chapter 12

177 9 32

Alex's POV

Ah, political science class. Aka time to roast Jeffershit's ass. 

As I step in to the classroom Jeffershit has already started talking about gun control laws. 

"The bill of rights clearly states that we have the right to bear arms, so we souldn't be making it harder to own guns." He states. I slam my bag down at a seat. A few people jump in surprise as I strut down to the center of the room. "Anything to say to that Alexander?" He smirks. 

"Yes. It says the right to bear arms not guns. You can still easily buy a baseball bat to use for self defense. And the time period that was writen in was when we were fresh out of the revolutionary war and people like David Diggs (A/N Thomas Jefferson is David, Lafayette is Daveed) wanted to guarantee that the national government wouldn't have too much power.  The second amendment was written to ensure that the government couldn't stop the states from rebeling." I argue.

"But now if a state wants to rebel and you need a license to get a gun how could they?" He asks. 

"Then if they don't have a criminal record they could, but give me one good reason why they would want to rebel." I glare at him. 

"Well I don't know-"

"Exactly. If people wanted to rebel they could do it without violence. The only thing that smaller gun restrictions are doing is allowing bad people to get their hands on guns, going into schools, synagogues, malls, or whatever and killing people! And the thing is that kids who can't vote, drive, or drink can easily buy a gun."

"But we could just arm the succurity guards, that would stop anyone trying to kill someo-

"AND WHAT IF THEY MISS??" I scream. He blinks at me, shocked. I stride towards him "What if they miss and kill an innocent bystander." I hiss in his face. I take another step forward. He steps back. "See? A 'good guy with a gun' doesn't exist. It doesn't matter who's hands the gun is in, it matters that there is a gun and that gun can kill people." 

"I-um, well," He looks nervous, his face goes red from embarrassment. I see my job here is done. I turn to the rest of the class. 

"Now after that, who here wants no put guns in the hands of teachers, security guards, and other normal everyday people." No one moves. I grin. "Who wants to make stricter gun laws" The entire class raises their hands. "Correct" I sit back down in my seat and kick my feet up on the desk. 

Jefferson stands there for a few seconds, but then lowers his head and rushes to his seat, which is unfortunately next to mine. I move my feet and scoot my chair a few inches away. 

"That debate wasn't half bad Hamilton."

"Tch, the odds were in my favor anyway."  He, glares at me and looks away. A few other students get up and starts debating about some other topic. I pull out a notebook and starts making squiggles cover the page. Eventually I get bored and I let my mind wander. 

What if I could actually draw? What would I draw? Would they be deep interpretations and criticisms of society, or would it be cutesy character designs and story illustrations? When I write it's usually some criticism of society so that's probably what I would draw. How do artists stay original. If a bunch of them are criticizing society, how do they stay original? How do any of us stay original, there are so many people out there what keeps us from blending into the background? There are always some people that I just don't care about and ignore, but then there is those people that just stand out, like John. He has the brightest personality and his freckles are adorable. I can't wait to get out of here and see him again. I wonder where he gets his inspiration for his work. A lot it is very earthy and whimsical. If he has the gift of earth, that might be where he gets it, or that's just the style he draws in. But he might have the gift of earth, there was that flower that was behind his ear. 

Suddenly a hand comes out of nowhere and snaps infront of my face. "Hey, Hamilton" I glare at Jefferson. 

"What do you want Jeffershit."

"The bell rang, are you coming?" I look around and notice that the classroom is empty. 

"Oh." I grab my stuff. "Why would you wait for me?"  

"Well- I, I'm not a heartless monster." I look at him. He's looking at the ground,  I notice that his cheeks are slightly flushed. 

"Ookay," I start walking away and Jefferson follows me. "Isn't your next class in the opposite direction?"

"N-no not today, I don't have any other classes today." I continue walking. I don't have anything else to do today, so we start walking through town. We take a turn into a smaller ally that's a shortcut back to the dorms, then Jefferson stops. 

"Are you coming?" 

"Uh, can we talk for a second?"

"Um, okay? Why?" I turn around and look at him. That's when he back me into a wall. "What are you doing?" His face is unreadable. He doesn't move for a second, and that's when he kisses me.

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