Chapter 37

35 2 4

Saturday October 13th 2018

Day ten of the prank war

Lafayette's POV

 I had been getting a little nervous for Eliza and I's prank today. The necessary item was sold out almost everywhere and when I was able to find it I wasn't sure if it would ship in time. However, yesterday when I went to check my mail, there is the amazon packaging. Thanks god.

I meet up with Eliza for coffee at our usual café.

"Bounjour!" I say as I sit down across from her.

"Hey Laf," She smiles at me and pushes a coffee at me. "I ordered your coffee,"

"Thank you so much! You're too kind," I take the coffee. "Do I owe you anything?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "Of course not," I open my mouth to argue. "Shut," she stops me. "You ordered the package, it's the least I can do,"

I nurse my coffee as Eliza starts talking about a new book she's reading, something about an orange tree and dragon riders. 

"Anyway," She says. "are you done your coffee? because we should probably head to his dorm to reek havoc," My coffee's been long empty, but I didn't mind letting her rant. 

"Yeah, I'm done," I stand up from my seat. "Here's the bag," I show her the contents of the package. "will this be enough?" 

She bursts out laughing. "Laf! How many are there!?"


"Why are some of them purple?"

"Eliza don't be racist," I hold back a laugh.

She laughs again. "We definitely won't need that many,"

"Lets hide the leftovers around the rest of campus,"

"Absolutely," She grins at me.

We leave the cafe and start walking across campus to Jeffershits dorm. Now it's my turn to rant, so I spend the entire walk telling Eliza about the pair of 18th century breeches that Herc made, and merde do they look great on him. The only thing that interrupts me is me tripping over a huge crack in the sidewalk, the same one that always gets me when walking to or from the cafe. 

At our arrival in the shits dorm, we survey the land and get to work. 

twenty minutes in and my phone buzzes really loudly. It startles both of us. I pull it out of my pocket and Alex is spamming the groupchat.

Smallangryhamman: Laf, there's been a shit sighting

Smallangryhamman: He's going back to his dorm

Smallangryhamman: Laf get the fuckd ou tof therw

Smallangryhamman: !!!

"Shit," I turn to Eliza.

"I know," She's also looking at her phone. Alex made spelling errors in a text. He never does that unless he's drunk or it's an emergency and he's typing too fast.

I grab a few and toss them around haphazardly. 

"Alright, I think this is enough," I turn back to Eliza and she's holding the door open for me, already holding all of our stuff.

We sprint down the hallway and spam the elevator button, but when we see it pick up someone on the ground floor first we run to the stairs. We scramble down the steps, almost falling over ourselves several time, and burst through the doors. 

We stop to catch our breath, or at least I am. I'm wheezing over a lack of oxygen, and Eliza has recovered much quicker than I have.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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