Chapter 26

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Alex's POV

He's pinned me to the wall. Hooooly shiit. He's hot, and I'm kinda turned on. His breath is hot and his face is really close to mine. I'm honestly not quite sure what to do, he's practically hated me. I rest my hands on his hips and he's doesn't protest. 

"I've wanted to do this for a while," his voice is low and kinda breathy. I'm really turned on right now. He cups my face in his hands and presses his lips to mine. He kisses me gently, and I kiss back. I'm desperately trying not to over step any boundaries, but I really want to kiss him until my lips turn blue. He kisses me again and again and again. I trail my hands up his body, I wrap one around his neck and pull him closer. My second hand tangles itself in his hair. The moment feels like an eternity. It's just him, me, and this single moment in time. 

John pulls away and we stare into each others eyes. His eyes are a beautiful hazel with flecks of green when the light hits it. A swarm of butterflies erupts in my stomach as I am reminded of how beautiful John is. 

Johns hands are still cupping my face and he starts making small circles on my cheeks with his thumbs. I practically melt into his touch. I tilt my head down slightly and kiss the palm of his hand. 

"I promise that I will never ever  hurt you again," I mutter into his hand. 

He smiles. "I know," He leans forward and kisses me again. "Do you want to go back to my place? My roommates never there,"

"Um, wait, to do it?" I stammer, I never would have thought that John would go from practically hating me to, well this.

"No idiot, to cuddle," He giggles and takes my hand. We walk the rest of the way to our dorm and  he leads me toward his dorm. He only releases my hand to unlock the door. "Here's my dorm, it's not much," His half is neat, except for a few clothes piled on the ground. His desk is much more messy, covered in multiple sculptures and drawings. The one in the middle catches my eye. It's a tree made of real branches and flowers. They all fit together perfectly, almost as if it grew like that.

"Wow, this is really cool. Did you make this?" I turn back toward him. He nods. 

"I'm going to get ready for bed. You can use the bathroom after me," 

"Okay," He grabs the clothes off the floor which I guess are pyjamas and heads to the bathrooms. I hear the sink turn on as he does his evening routine. I awkwardly perch on the side of his bed while I wait. He comes out a few minutes later with his hair down and wearing a t-shirt and baggy pyjama pants. It kinda makes him even hotter. 

"Oh, you have nothing to sleep in. Sorry I kinda forgot," He opens one of his drawers and pulls out another pair of pyjama pants and tosses it to me. "Do you want a different shirt to sleep in?" He asks as I catch the pants. 

"Sure," he grabs a shirt and tosses it to me. I head into the bathroom to change. There is still a clear divide between him and his roommate. John's side is neat and organized with fancy face washes. I change quickly and head back out. Johns already in bed, but when he sees me he flips back to covers and moves to one side to make room for me. I climb into bed beside him and he instantly snuggles into me. I put my arms around him and bury my face in his hair. It smells sweet, like sugar and vanilla. Must be his shampoo. I run my finger through his hair and it's so soft. It's like a literal cloud. He traces little circles on my stomach. I look down at him and I'm met with his wide eyes. My stomach flip-flops, he's just so fucking cute! He smiles at me and kisses the tip of my nose. Oh my god I can't handle this cuteness!! I kiss his forehead and he lays he head in my chest again. He soon falls asleep, but I can't. My mind keeps buzzing about him. Mostly why he suddenly kissed me when he hated me. Was he just really tired and wasn't thinking? I guess the good news is that he still likes me despite hating me.

I guess I am eventually able to fall asleep because I wake up in John's bed. He's still asleep and I don't want to wake him up. He wakes up a few minutes later and seems a little confused at my presence. He doesn't say anything though. He looks up at me and sees that I'm awake.

" Alex?" His voice is gravely after not using it for nine hours.

"Yeah?" I swallow.

"What are we?" He asks.

"Are you still mad at me?" I say.

"Kinda, but I really like you," 

"Do want to be my boyfriend?" He stays silent for a minute.

"Gay people are another thing that my dad doesn't like. I feel like he would adjust in time, but he might be kinda put off by it at first. He sent my sister Martha to an all girls boarding school in England when she came out as lesbian. He's not the smartest," He rambles.

"He doesn't need to know immediately, plus it's you're life. He doesn't control you,"

"Well my mom is super accepting, and I think they were planning on sending all of my siblings to boarding school anyway. I was already in high school by that time so I got out of it,"

"John, do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask again.

"Oh! Sorry, I was rambling again," He apologizes. "Yes, I do want to be your boyfriend," He smiles at me. I smile back and kiss him again. 

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