Chapter 35

54 3 15

Monday October 8th 2018

Day five of the prank war

Peggy's POV

Alright, second prank against Jeffershit here we go! This time I'm teaming with John. I've been prepping for this prank for weeks, and it took forever for the package to get here. I pour the contents of the package into a handbag and go find John. I shoudn't be too hard, since there's no school today. I don't quite understand why though. Columbus Day is the worst holiday, it celebrates a genocidal colonizer and we get school off?? He sucks.


I find John drawing in the north quad.

"Johnny boy!" I say running over to him and smother him in a giant hug.

"Hey Peggy," he says, gently leaning into the hug.

"Ready to go prank the piece of shit that had a name?" I grin, holding my bag open so he can see how many I got. His eyes light up and he smiles back at me. He nods, flips his sketchbook closed and tucks it into his bag.

"Also, I ran into Jeremy, his roommate, last night. I got his number and he says that he left the dorm unlocked for us," he says, showing me the texts.

"Awesome!!" I cheer. "Let's get going!" I take Johns hand and we half run half skip to Jeffershits dorm. When we get there there's a small stone keeping the door from closing. We push it open and get to work.

Jeffershits POV

I wander around campus to try and find Alex, everywhere where he usually studies, gets coffee, his favorite bench. But I can't find him anywhere. I do, however, find Lafayette.

"Merde, Jeffershit," He says with a scowl when he sees me approaching. "Putain de merde, what do you want," I ignore the several other french swears he sends my way.

"Gilbert, friend old chap," I start. He glares at me.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear you use my first name," He says.

"I was wondering if you've seen my good friend Alexander anywhere, I can't find him," I say.

"Why would you want to speak with him? You have no business with my friend," He turns to go but I grab his shoulder.

"Not so fast cousin, Alex and I have a debate project together, I have to find him so we can work on it," Lafayette scowls at me again.

"Lucky you then, Alex can handle the project on his own," I try to interrupt him but Laf stops me. "Just take the A and leave him alone," Laf abruptly turns and walks away.

"Oh well then I guess he doesn't want to hear what I just found out about John," I call to him. That stops him in his tracks. I smirk. He slowly turns towards, fire in his eyes.

Oh shit.

He comes storming towards me, grabs the collar of my shirt, and is able to lift my feet off the ground despite us being exactly the same height.

"If you dare hurt john, I will hurt you even worse then you can imagine," His eyes are more terrifying then I have ever seen them before in my life.

I merely grin and say, "oh my dear marquis, but I already have,"

He punches me.

I'm sitting in the nurse an hour later with an ice pack resting across my face and Lafayette's sitting in the office getting told off for punching me. What a shame that he doesn't have a solid reason for punching me. 'I was defending a friend' is an excuse that's been over used.

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