➳ Chapter 31

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I turned around back to the battle field and all I saw was blood. I was hoping, I was praying that there was no one I knew out there dead- Dead because of me. I hope River forgives me. I really do. I can't deal with this.

"Skye calm down! You need to calm down" Caleb was rubbing my back. I didn't realise I was panicking so much. The fight seemed to have calmed down. Evan has gotten his revenge. I hope so anyway.

"Skye! Help!" Lydia shouted. Her and Liam were getting trampled by a load of wolves. I ran over and saw one of them was the one I saw the other day with the red eyes. He came up to me.

"I see you got your red eyes, congratulations" He grinned at me.

"Its nothing to congratulate. I killed someone!"

"We all have. Come on guys! Evan has left" The wolf called to his pack and they all stopped fighting.

I bent down to Lydia.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, thanks for saving me" She smiled.

"I know what happened to Rivers mum. Trust me. I would forgive you, but it's River, I don't think she will" I gave her a hug and we both started crying.

I looked around and my eyes landed on Tyler. He was on the floor with his head bowed down.

"Tyler?" I slowly walked over and I couldn't believe my eyes. Jacob was lying there breathing his last breathes.

"Please J! Don't leave me! You're my brother! I need you" Tyler held onto Jacobs hand. I bent down on the opposite side of Tyler. I took his hand into mine. I looked into Tyler's eyes. I had never seen so much fright in his eyes before.

"Always remember me Tyler. Skye, Thank you for making my brother so happy. You will always be my family" Then Jacob closed his eyes. My eyes watered and a tear fell onto Jacobs cold lifeless face.

"J! Please come back!" Tyler started shouting. I tried to calm him down. I put my arms around Tyler and we both just sat there hugging each other

"I love you Tyler"

"I love you too" Tyler started sniffling. This had to be the worst thing that had ever happened to me. I was loosing everyone.
We have been sitting here for the past ten minutes. None of us said a word, none of us moved. Caleb came up behind me.

"Hey Skye, I need to say something" I turned towards Caleb and slowly let go of Tyler who was still clutched onto Jacob's dead body.

"Everything's messed up Caleb! I'm going to loose everyone! I can't cope with this" I burst into tears. Caleb held me.

"Well this isn't going to help"

"What isn't?" I looked up at him with my watery eyes.

"M-my parents, they want me to leave now" I stood there. I nearly stumbled back.

"You're just gonna leave? Jenni and Jacob are dead Caleb! You can't just leave now!"

"I'm gonna go get my stuff and I'll meet you to say our final goodbyes" I could see he was holding the tears in. Trying to stay strong for me. He walked off leaving me alone. I turned around and went to Tyler.

"Skye" He looked up

"I have to leave, I can't take this. I have family that I need to visit. I'm sorry Skye" He got up and kissed me one last time. This time it was on my cheek.

"We'll meet again I promise I will find you and I will always love you Skye! You are my first love! Always remember me" If only he knew what I did.

My white wolf ➢ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now