➳ Chapter 19

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We have searched everywhere for Leon. We have no idea where he could be. For some reason Caleb's locator spell isn't working.

"Maybe you need to find a stronger witch. I'm sorry Chase my powers aren't strong enough" Caleb got up from the seat.

"No! Sit back down Caleb. You're not moving until you find him" Chase pushed Caleb back down.

"Get off him Chase!" I pushed Chase off Caleb.

"Maybe Caleb is right! We should look for a stronger witch" I let go of Chase.

"I could ask my dad. He lost his powers but maybe he knows somebody" Caleb got up. "I'll let you know if I find somebody" Caleb left through the door leaving me standing there with Chase.

"He's only trying to help! He doesn't even need to help! But he is so leave him alone!" I shouted at Chase.

"I'm sorry Skye!" His voice was in a sacarstic tone "But this is my father and I'm going to do what ever it takes even if that means hurting people on the way" Chase pushed past me and walked out the door.
Caleb called all of us to meet him. I walked through the door.
Lydia, Caleb, Liam and River were all sitting there.

"Where's Stiles and Chase?" I sat down next to River.

"They are coming later" River took a sip of her drink and turned to everyone.

"My mum is broken, I've never seen her like this. She needs her brother back" River looked at Caleb "What have you got?"

"My dad said there's a witch in Mexico. His name is Julio"

"So a road trip to Mexicano?" Lydia did a mini dance.

"Uhh, not for all of us. I was thinking of taking Chase and someone else since we are looking for his dad"

"Okay, I'll go with you in case you try and kill each other" I looked at Caleb "When are we going?"

"Tomorrow morning. I got the address" Chase and Stiles came through the door. Caleb told them the plan.

"I'm going with you guys as well since I don't want Skye to be the only girl" River laughed.

"Fine" Caleb got up. "We should go get ready"
Caleb came knocking on the door. River opened it.

"You guys ready?" Caleb stood by the door.

"Nearly, just waiting for Chase to come down, word of advice, stay away from Chase today he seems to be in a mood" River smiled at Caleb.

"I heard that!" Chase shouted from upstairs. River laughed.

"Good!" She shouted back up. Chase walked down.

"Let's go"
I was sitting in the back of the car with River.

"You took the wrong turn" Chase shouted at Caleb.

"No I didn't!" Caleb shouted back.

"Yes you did! I have the map right infront of me!"

"Are you driving? Hmm? No! I'm driving I decide where we go!"

"Let me dri-" I cut Chase off. They were annoying me.

"Stop the car. You two are not sitting by each other" Caleb stopped the car. River got out and took Chase's seat at the front and Chase sat by me.

"You're still going the wrong way" Chase said out loud.

"Oh my god shut up" River turned around "As your cousin I'm asking you to SHUT THE HELL UP!0" River turned around. Chase turned to me.

"Sorry baby doll. But guess you're stuck with me" He said to me. His flirty side back.
I glared at him.

"Don't get used to it"
We ended up in a forest. Chase kept saying Caleb got lost but Caleb insisted that it was the right way.

"We are in the middle of nowhere Cal! I have a feeling Chase is right. I'm freezing can we please go somewhere where it's warm?" I glared at Caleb. Chase took of his jacket.

"Here" he handed me his jacket.

"No, it's okay"

"You're the Alpha we need to keep you safe" he smiled at me. I took the jacket and put it on.

"Wow, you're not only charming but also a gentleman" I said wrapping myself tighter.

"Only for you" He said smiling at me.

"Ahaha!" I swung my head round towards Caleb.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You all said I was lost" he pointed to a house in the woods. It didn't look like your normal 'house in the woods'. It was a modern house. It had white walls and was massive.

"That is a very nice house" River stared at the house.

"Come on" Caleb walked ahead. He knocked on the door. The door opened to show a middle aged man who looked in his forties. He had black hair which was long. He had hazel eyes.

"Can I help you?"

"Uhh, yeah. Are you Julio?" Caleb asked him.

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"We need your help if that's okay"

"Sure, come in"

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