➳ Chapter 8

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The fight was two hours long.

We lost one wolf. I didn't really know her, but her name was Sarah.

Leon took me home and I went straight to my room. Eve was dead. It was all my fault. I should have told her everything.

The door to my room flew open and what came in was a very angry looking Chase.

"I told you to stay here! Not to go out. Why didn't you listen? You're stupid and shouldn't be allowed to be in this house. It's your fault Sarah's dead" There was silence. Did he really think that?

"I watched one of my best friends die. Everything that has happened is not my fault" I glared at him.

"I-I didn't know someone else died. I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout. But it was your stupidity that killed Sarah" I heard sympathy in Chase's voice.

"Yeah. Of course you didn't. But stop blaming me" I walked out the room and left Chase standing there.
I decided not to go to school since everybody would be asking about Eve and to be honest, I'm not ready.

I decided to go get my stuff from my old house since Ana should be in work.

I walked in and the house was empty but there was a weird smell coming from upstairs. I slowly walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door.

There was nothing. I packed a bag quickly and went into Ana's room.

There on the floor was a man. He looked dead but I wasn't sure.

I held my breath walking in trying not to smell anything. I slowly walked up to the man and checked for a pulse. Nothing. I checked for bruises or cuts. There were two marks on his neck. They were vampire bites.
"So you just found him here?" Leon asked me. After I found him I rang Leon straight away.

"Yeah. I came to get some clothes and stuff and he was just... laying here. Who do you think done it?"

"I'm not sure. Unless someone broke in and just happened to be a vampire and killed this man. But my best guess is that Ana has been turned and has no idea what to do. I will send some wolves out to find her before she kills someone else. I really think you should talk to Chase. I can tell whatever he said he didn't mean it"
Leon gave me a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, you're probably right" I turned and walked out the door. If Ana is a vampire I can already say she is going to come after me.

"Umm, hey Chase when you get this call can you call me back? I think we should talk" I hung up. Stupid voice mail.

"Skye!" I turned around and saw Caleb. I'm not in the mood.

"Hey Skye. I um- I was wondering if you have seen Eve? We were meant to meet up today but she hasn't called or texted me" Oh shit.

"Look Caleb I have to tell you something, the other day when we were fighting the vampires, Eve followed me there and she didn't understand the words 'watch out'.
S-she died Caleb" Caleb just stood there staring at me. And he turned around and walked off. He was closer to Eve than I was so I have a feeling he's going to be more affected by this.
There is only a couple of days before my birthday.
I have learnt everything I need to. I'm ready to be an Alpha. But it's still scary. I mean I have no idea what it's gonna be like.

"This one or this one" I got hit out of my mind by River holding up dresses.

"Uhh sorry. What?" She just laughed.

"For your birthday party Skye. After this birthday your going to be an Alpha it's basically your last day of freedom. So this dress for me or this one"

"That one" I pointed at the red one which just came above her knees.

"Good. Now time to choose yours. The party is tomorrow!"

 The party is tomorrow!"

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➳ Rivers Dress

My white wolf ➢ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now