➳ Chapter 12

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Caleb rang me and said we really need to talk. I agree with him. I did over react with the witch thing. But I told him about the wolf thing as soon as I could and he hid this from me since we were fourteen.

I knocked on the door of the house I spent most of my childhood growing up in.
Caleb's mum answered the door.

"Hey love, come in. Caleb will be down soon" I walked through the door and a wiff of cookie dough hit my nose.

Calebs mum was the best at cooking cookies. I stood at the bottom of the stairs. I looked at the wall and looked at the dent in the wall. I remember that day.


"I always wanted to do this!" Caleb shouted from the top of the stairs.

"I'm coming up!" Skye shouted back. They were about to jump on a mattress and fly down the stairs like super heros.

"1...2...3!" Caleb pushed off the floor and the mattress went flying down. The mattress stopped half way down and Caleb went flying into the opposite wall.

"Oh my god!" Skye burst out laughing. She couldn't control her laughter.

"My head" Caleb sat there rubbing his head pulling a pouty face. Skye got up and sat by Caleb.

"I'm sorry. But it was funny. My best friend is funny" Skye and Caleb sat at the bottom of the stairs hugging.

Flashback over

How could I be mad at him? He is my best friend. Yeah he kept me from the witch thing but he did it to protect me. Caleb came down the stairs.

"Hey Skye, we need to talk" When he reached the floor I jumped up and hugged him like a little girl.

"I forgive you Caley!"

"Wow, that was easy. Now I don't have to bribe you with cookie dough it's all mine" he giggled.

"Hey! The cookie dough is mine" We both raced to the kitchen but when we got there Calebs mum shoved the cookie dough in her mouth.

"Mmm tasty" She winked at us.

"Hey! That was mine" I whined.

"Not anymore"
"So you and Caleb are friends again?" River was sitting down on the sofa.

"Yep, all because of cookie dough. Oh and memories" I laughed. We were getting ready for our sleepover we were having.

It was me, River, Lydia, Caleb, Liam, Stiles and Kyle. We were going to think of a plan to kill Duke and his stupid werewolf friends before he turned anyone else.

Ding ding.

River ran to the door and swung it open. In came Lydia, Stiles and Liam. I found out earlier that Lydia and Liam are brother and sister and Lydia and Stiles are dating. It's like everyones love life is perfect apart from mine.

Lastly was Kyle and Caleb.

We all sat round the TV watching The Avengers and eating pizza. Suddenly the door bell went.

"What boy have you invited this time?" I winked at River but she looked like she was hiding something. I got up and opened the door. Standing there was Chase.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I shouted in his face.

"Hey baby doll" He smirked at me. I turned around and glared at River. She got up and stood by the door.

My white wolf ➢ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now