➳ Chapter 17

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Chase's POV

We arrived at the school within ten minutes. I burst through the school doors and started calling Skye's name.

"Maybe we should look in all the classrooms" River came up behind me along with Liam.

"Yeah" I pushed all the doors open. They were all empty.

"They must have taken her somewhere. How are we suppose to find her ?" Liam looked at me.

"Caleb" I looked at them.

"What about him?" River looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Caleb is a witch. He can do a locators spell to find her"

"Thats a great idea, let's go to Caleb now"

Skye's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and looked around. I was in a back of a car. I tried to move my hands but they were tied. I wriggled trying to break free.

"There's no point trying to escape. It's not happening" I looked up and saw Raven driving the car.

"Please just let me go" I begged.

"No chance. You killed one of my friends and Duke wants you. There is no way I'm letting you go. I'm a vampire you're a wolf we don't get along anyway so just go with it"

She was a vampire not a wolf. My senses were wrong at the school.

I was going to get out of here. I was. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the one thing that helped me to turn. Chase. I thought real hard but nothing was happening. What was going on?

"Oh by the way I should tell you. I made you take wolfs bane so you are kinda stuck in human form for about an hour. So just tell me when it runs out so I can refill you" Raven sat there laughing. I hated everything about her.

"We're here little Alpha" Raven got out the car and pulled me out. She pushed me into the factory and then put a bag over my head. Raven pushed me in all directions until finally I could hear her knocking on a door. The door squeked open and I got pushed once more and the bag came off my head.

"Ahh, the famous Alpha Skye. How nice of you to finally join me" From the shadows came a man much taller than me with pitch black hair and green eyes. He had a wicked grin and sparkling fangs. Duke.

"You can leave us now Raven. Go back to your friends what were their names again? Oh it was Chase and Caleb wasn't it?"

"You leave them alone! It's me you want not them!" I shouted at Duke but he just laughed.

"What are you going to do about it Skye? You're helpless. You can't change and you are tied up. Go on Raven" Raven ran out the door and slammed the door behind her.

"So, Raven has probably already told you what you have done to my family, what you did to my daughter. It's all your fault"

"You killed my friend. We are even"

"Oh no we are not Skye. I want more" Duke turned to a man and gestured him to do something.

The man pulled on a piece of cord and a long red curtain got pulled back and revealed a bloody beaten up Leon.

"Oh my god" I shouted and ran straight towards Leon. Duke's hand stopped me.

"If you don't do what I ask you to, Leon will get it. Got it?" I stared at Duke, he was a horrible man "Got it!" Duke raised his voice.

"Got it" I mumbled under my breath. I was really scared. All I had to do was wait until I could turn into wolf form.

Chase's POV

"Okay, if my witchy powers are right she should be in the factory that Duke was in" Caleb blew out the candle.

"So Duke took her?" Liam looked at Caleb.

"I think so, come on we need as many people we can get to save her"

There was a knock at the door.

"Caleb you go get the door and I will call everyone" I walked off. I got my phone out and started to call people.

"Chase, I heard about Skye!" I turned my head around and saw Raven standing there.

"How did you know she was missing?"

"Uhhh, River told me" She gave me a hug. I didn't really know her that well but she seemed really nice.

Skye's POV

"So I want you dead. But I want to punish you" Duke pulled me to a small room and started to tie me up to a fence type thing.

"What is this?" I tried to wriggle free but I was stuck

"Oh, you'll soon see Skye" He went to the corner of the room and put is hand over a lever.

"You killed my vampires" Duke pulled down the lever just a little bit and I felt an electric shock go through my body. "You destroyed my window" He pulled it further down. The pain was horrible he kept pulling the lever further down for everything I had done. "You killed my daughter"

He pulled the lever so hard I couldn't stand the pain. He knocked me out cold with the electricity going through my body. I saw black

Chase's POV

"Come on let's go" I ran for the door.

"Wait where are you going?" Raven pulled my arm.

"Going to get Skye from the factory" I pulled my arm back.

"Wait you can't. Just stop" Raven tried stopping me.

"No Raven! What are you doing? We have to get Skye! She's in trouble" Raven looked worried. I could tell she was hiding something but it had to wait.
We got to the factory. Our plan was stupid. We were going to barge into the factory and hope Skye was there.

"Come on I'll go first" I went first and went into wolf form and I ran.

Skye's POV

I woke back up and I had moved I was no longer on the electric fence I was tied to a pole.

"You're awake" Duke came from the corner.

"Please let me go" I begged.

"Not gonna happen" All of a sudden there was a bang. Duke turned to one of his men. "Go see what that was. Now where were we?"

I had a rush of adrenaline. I had control of my wolf again. There was another bang. I smelt the air and could smell Chase. He came to save me.

"Oh we were at the part when I was going to rip your head off" I smirked and broke free. I turned into my wolf form and howled. Duke tried to run but I cornered him. There was no way he was going to go down without a fight. I was going to kill him.

My white wolf ➢ Book Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن