➳ Chapter 26

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I was running. I had to run. He was going to catch me. I turned into my wolf and ran hoping he wouldn't catch up.

"No point running Skye! I got more people than you! I have wolves" Evan shouted after me.

I turned around and saw that he was gone.

"Thank god" I whispered to myself.


"Do we have to go to school?" River moaned.

"Yes River!" Jenni said to her.

"But Chase doesn't"

"Well he's not my son, you're my daughter and you're going to school" Jenni pushed River out the door. Me and Lydia were waiting for her in the car.

"What took you so long?" Lydia asked her.

"Just drive" I drove to school with the boys following behind us.
It was cross country trials today and me, Tyler, Jacob and Liam were all trying out.

"Okay after three!" The coach shouted

"1...2...3. Go!" Everyone started running and I just smirked. The boys had already started running so I waited a bit knowing that I would beat them.

"Skye run!" Coach shouted at me. I started running, sprinting past everyone else. The boys were in plain sight. This was easy. I ran straight up to Tyler.

"Hey Ty" I smirked at him. I ran faster which made him faster. We were right next to each other when I stopped. Tyler noticed me stopping and came over.

"Skye, what is it?" I went over by the tree. I saw an arm behind it. I walked slowly around it. And my eyes layed on a dead girl.

"Oh my god" I stumbled back but caught my balance.

"There's a letter" Tyler bent down and picked it up. Jacob and Liam had joined us.

"What's it say?" Jacob asked Tyler.

"It says 'no point hiding Skye. I will find you' "
I stood there. It was Evan.

"We need to get rid of this girl" Liam said. He picked up the girl.

"I'll take care of it. You guys finish the race!" Liam walked off into the woods.

"Hey you okay?" Tyler hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine"
We finished the race first obviously, and I wouldn't stop bragging about beating Tyler.

"You're the Alpha! Obviously you were going to win!" He defended himself.

"Of course" He leant down kissed me on the lips.

"I gotta go, see you back at the house" I walked off. It was really dark outside. I was going to Caleb's house. I wanted to see if I could convince his parents to let him stay longer.

Once I got far away from the school I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around.

"Hello?" There was no one there. I carried on walking when I heard someone call my name. I turned back around and saw Evan standing there.

"W-what do you want?" I stuttered.

"I want you Skye! Come join me"

"You mean join you so you can kill me"

"Hmm, maybe" I turned around and started running for my life.

Flashback over

I stopped in my tracks. Why did he just stop? I looked around. It was dark. I saw a shadow come out from the woods. It was in a shape of a wolf. It didn't look to be anyone I knew. The wolf walked out and opened its eyes. Its eyes were a glowing red colour. It started howling. I turned around and was faced with Evan.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted.

"Not gonna happen Skye. Look you're out numbered your pack isn't here to help you. Just give up" Evan smirked.

"She's not alone" I turned my head to the sound and saw Chase walking out with River, Lydia, Liam, Tyler S d Jacob. I smiled at Chase and he gave me a weak smile back.
Leon and Jenni came up from behind them. Leon went up to Evan.

"Maybe you should give up. I've defeated your family once I will do it again" Leon growled at Evan.

"Please, my dad was weak, I'm strong" Evan started saying some witchy words. All of a sudden he held his head in pain.

"Owwww" Evan screamed. I turned my head and saw Caleb walking out. He had his hands held up to Evan and was speaking witchy words.

"You may be strong, but we are stronger" Caleb put his hands down. The wolves that were once behind us ran away in fear. I had to laugh, that was funny.

Evan got up and sprinted away. Chase and Leon ran after him. I have a feeling they won't be able to catch him up.

"How are you so powerful?" I asked Caleb.

"My family gave me some of their power"

"That's good. I would've been fried to death!" He laughed.

"You're my best friend. I'll do anything for you" I hugged him.

"Come on let's go home"
We were back home and Chase and Leon failed to catch up with Evan.

"Hey Leon, can I ask you something?" I went up to Leon.

"Sure kid, what is it?"

"Well before you came to help me, one of the wolves eyes were red. Why were they red?"

"I think I should tell you, the wolf you saw was an Alpha"

"If he's an Alpha why aren't my eyes like that?"

"To have red eyes you have to kill an innocent. Once you've done that your eyes will become red. But it only happens to Alpha's"

"So there's a group of wolves helping Evan? What the hell?"

"I know. That's why I called for help from another pack. They will be coming soon" Leon looked at me.

"Its late. You should go to bed" Leon said to me.

My white wolf ➢ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now