messing with my head, this fear (i'm so sorry)

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~What if Kira confronted Cyrus before costume day instead of TJ?~

Title is a lyric from "Determinate" (from the DCOM Lemonade Mouth)

Original title: 'Love Conquers Evil (Now or Eventually)'
PS: the time frame of the show was never made clear so I'm putting this around April


"Hey! I wanna ask you something," TJ said to Cyrus as they were walking through the park. "Whatcha got going on for costume day?"

"Costume day?" Cyrus questioned incredulously. "You don't strike me as a costume day guy."

"I have layers," the basketball captain shrugged. "Anyway, I have this idea."


"One person dresses up in board shorts, sunglasses, and flip flops," TJ began, the brunet nodding along. "And the other dresses up like a saltshaker."

"Ohhh, sea salt!" Cyrus turned to face him and stopped walking.

"That would've been good, but no."

"Oh no, don't tell me, don't tell me," Cyrus shook his head, thinking. "Somersault!"

"Bam!" TJ gestured an explosion with his hands.

"Bam!" Cyrus repeated, doing the same gesture.

They returned to walking side by side, as TJ grinned, saying, "thought it was funny."

"It is funny!" Cyrus insisted, looking over at him.

"So, you in?"

Cyrus was about to say yes, but then remembered Andi's costume idea and stopped in his tracks. TJ turned around to see why he stopped.

"What's wrong?" the blond asked.

"I just remembered, Andi wants to do a Mount Rushmore group costume," Cyrus frowned. "I don't know which I should do."

"It's up to you, Underdog. If you'd rather do a costume with your friend group, I understand. They've known you a lot longer."

"It's not that I'd rather, I just don't really know if I should bail."

"Well, you can take your time to think about it," TJ reassured him. "Just let me know before Friday, alright?"

"Thanks, I should probably get home for supper," Cyrus told him. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yep, have a good day."

"You too!" Cyrus shouted back as he jogged off.


Thursday afternoon, the day before costume day, Cyrus was walking home from the park. He had been enjoying some alone time just swinging, the calm, freeing energy flowing through him.

Not in any rush to get home, he leisurely strolled along, enjoying the near-perfect weather. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he faced the person attached to the finger that interrupted him.

"Cyrus," the person greeted smugly.

It was Kira. Why exactly was she talking to him?

"Kira, hi," he plastered on a fake smile. "Um, do you need something?"

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