New Student

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Cyrus slammed his hand down on his alarm clock to turn it off.

He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the sunlight. It was 7AM. Time to get up for school. He couldn't be late for his first day back from winter break.

When he stood up, he felt slightly dizzy as his vision went out for a second. That meant he got up too fast. I have got to stop doing that, he thought, as he steadied himself on his nightstand. He grabbed a pair of clothes and made his way over to the bathroom to get changed, and comb his messy brown hair.

Once he was done, he went downstairs and saw his mom was just finishing up his eggs. He sat down at the table.

"Hey, honey," she greeted, as she brought his plate over to the table. "How'd you sleep?"

"Okay," he answered. "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he left for work early today. Do to want a ride to school?"

"Sure," he said, and started to eat his breakfast.


When Cyrus arrived to his first class of the day, English, he saw that he was early, and only one other student was there. But he didn't recognize this student. The tall, blonde-haired boy turned to look at Cyrus, and gave him a friendly smile.

Right away, Cyrus noticed his green eyes and how they looked like emeralds. He felt like he could get lost in them, but luckily the boy spoke up before he could, startling him out of his thoughts.

"Hey," the boy spoke, pushing his notebook aside.

Cyrus walked over to him and sat in the seat next to him, placing his textbook on the desk.

"Hi," Cyrus greeted him, trying his best to focus his gaze anywhere other than the mystery boy's eyes. "Are you new?"

He instantly cringed at how he handled that. You can't think of anything else to talk about than whether or not he's new? If he is, he's probably already gonna get that a million times today. Ugh.

"Yeah, I just moved here last week from Westfield, Indiana. Is the teacher nice in this class?"

"Well she's not exactly a ray of sunshine, but she's nice enough," Cyrus half joked. "My name is Cyrus, by the way."

"Nice to meet you," the boy replied. "I'm TJ. And no, I'm not telling you what that stands for."

Cyrus chuckled, "do a lot of people ask you that?"

"Oh yeah, and some people don't stop asking. They just can't mind their own business."

"I'm sorry."

"No need, it's okay," TJ assured him.

Just then, the bell rang and a bunch of people walked in at once, including the teacher. They all scurried to their seats, and the teacher wrote her name on the board before turning around to address the new student.

"Hello class, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday," the teacher said, as everyone directed their attention towards her. "Now, we have a new student with us today. TJ, will you come up to the front and tell us a bit about yourself?"

TJ awkwardly stood up and walked to the front of the room, next to the teacher, who he noticed her name on the board as Ms. Clementine. She motioned for him to start, and so he did.

"Um, my name is TJ Kippen. I like basketball and I was the captain at my old school. I also play baseball and my favourite colour is navy blue."

"Very nice, TJ," Ms. Clementine commented. "You may sit back down now."

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