After the party

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This is set after the final episode of Andi Mack.


I lie down on my back as I climb into bed after the best day of my life. I keep thinking about the party and the smile on my face keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Cyrus Goodman is my boyfriend.

I can't believe it finally happened. I never thought he'd like me back, but for some reason he does. I'm so happy, I can't even sleep. So I decide to text him.

Teej💜: u still up?

I wait a minute and he replies.

Cccm❤️: yep. everything ok?

Teej💜: more than.

Cccm❤️: great🌟

Teej💜: so... how are you?

Cccm❤️: amazing.

Teej💜: hey, do you, um. wanna
come over tomorrow? around 2?

Cccm❤️: i'd love to.

Teej💜: great. um, I should
sleep now. goodnight
read 11:34 pm

Cccm❤️: night <3

He just sent me a heart. I feel like I'm melting. I probably won't be sleeping any time soon.


I wake up to my alarm clock blaring next to me. I slam the stop button and read the time. 10:30 AM. I'm not sure when I fell asleep last night, but not even my alarm can ruin my mood. Cyrus Goodman likes me back. And I held his hand. Here comes this mushy feeling again.

I walk downstairs and grab some cereal. My mom eyes me suspiciously.

"What?" I ask her as I sit down and start to eat.

"Why are you so smiley today? You're never this happy when you get up before noon," she questions me.

"It's just a nice day, that's all," I lie, my mouth full of Cheerios.

"It's raining. You hate the rain," she states, looking me in the eye.

"Is it a crime to just be happy?" I stand up and put my bowl in the sink.

"No, just curious," she says.

I turn to walk upstairs and she stops me, asking, "Did something happen at Andi's party?"

I start to internally panic, but try not to show anything on my face.

"Not much," I say, starting to walk again.

"Come on TJ! You can tell me, I'm your mom. Ooh! Did you finally get a girlfriend?"

"Nope," I state plainly.

As I'm almost up the stairs, she groans, saying, "I can't think of anything else!"

"Good," I tell her as I enter my room and shut the door. The dreamy look returns to my face once again.

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