Just A Crush

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You're talking 'bout a marriage and a life together. No, honey, I'm not looking for anything like what you're searching for.

And yes, it'd be nice, to hold hands once in a while. But you're over here, planning like wild.

You're just, just, just, you are, you are just a crush.

- 'Just A Crush' by Grace VanderWaal


"Hey, babe, come look at this!" Cyrus called out to his, well, were they boyfriends? Cyrus thought so. I mean they did cuddle and hug and hold hands all the time. That counts as boyfriends, right?

Kaleb visibly cringed at the nickname as he made his way over to Cyrus. "Yeah? What's up?"

"What's wrong, Kal? You look upset."

"Nothing, nothing. What did you want me to see?" Kaleb sighed as he sat down on the bed next to him.

"I've been looking through Pinterest, and look! I saw this adorable looking wedding venue that someone found! Doesn't it look so cute? It would be so perfect for us!" Cyrus excitedly showed him his Pinterest dashboard. Then he scrolled down to another picture and added, "Oh, and you'd look so good in this suit. And this one too!"

Cyrus was getting so worked up over this, meanwhile, Kaleb was feeling very uncomfortable. He had been meaning to say something for a while, but couldn't find the words.

"Cyrus, um, we need to talk."

"What's up? Is everything alright?" Cyrus looked concerned. He turned to face him.

"Uh, no. Not really." Kaleb gulped before he continued. "You see, well. Ugh. This is really hard to say."

"It's okay, go ahead, take your time."

"You see, Cyrus, I'm not really the type of person you want me to be."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I like you, but it doesn't have to be this serious. I mean you're always showing me stuff about weddings and things, and talking about getting married in the future. You keep giving me all these pet names like Kal and babe and it's making me really uncomfortable."


"I'm sorry, Cyrus. But it's too much. We can hold hands and cuddle and stuff sometimes, but at the end of the day this is just a crush. And it's not likely to amount to anything more. I don't want to keep mistakenly leading you on any more than I already have."

"I think it's best if you just leave," Cyrus suddenly said through angry tears. "I don't mind that much if you don't like the pet names, or the wedding talk. But if you're not going to take this seriously at all I can't do this anymore. I thought we had something. But all I am to you is a friend you hold hands with?"

"Cyrus, please we can work this out-"

"Whatever, I think I'd rather be alone."

"Fine," Kaleb said as he walked out of Cyrus's room and slammed the door.

Cyrus was left there, phone slammed onto the floor, bawling his eyes out into his pillow. And yet, it didn't feel as bad as he thought it would. It felt like he was crying because he was supposed to. Sure, he was upset. He was really upset. But there was no ache in his chest. Did he even ever like Kaleb at all? Or was it just a cover up? Maybe the tears were coming from a different place. A place of anxiety, a place of fear. Worry, that he would have no more distraction from his true feelings.

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