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"Do you ever think about... life?"

TJ glanced over at his boyfriend with a smile on his face as he heard the question asked to him. It was Wednesday afternoon, about an hour after school, and they were in Cyrus' room, lying down on their backs in a pile of blankets staring at the ceiling. Just enjoying each other's company in the silence, until Cyrus had just broken it.

"How do you mean?" TJ questioned.

"Like... not in general, but the length of it."

TJ was still confused, so he waited for Cyrus to continue.

"I mean," Cyrus rested his hand on his forehead, "everyone always says that life is short, but if you think about it, a lifetime is a long time to spend with one person."

"I guess so," TJ nodded, deep in thought.

"So, if one did want to spend their whole life with someone, that's special. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah. I do."

And they lay there in silence once again, but this time, it was TJ left wondering instead of Cyrus.


Later that day, after TJ left, he called up Buffy. He had been thinking for a while about proposing to Cyrus, but he was originally going to wait until they graduated college. That was months away, though, and after their conversation earlier, TJ didn't know if he could wait much longer. He wanted it to be something outstanding, so he needed advice. And who better to ask how to wow someone than their best friend?

"Hello?" came Buffy's voice from the other end.

"Hey. So, I need your help with something."

"Like what?"

"I wanna propose to Cyrus."

"It's about time," Buffy remarked.

"Buffy," TJ said, exasperated.

"Well, go on."

"I was going to wait until graduation, but the conversation we had today changed my mind. I don't want to wait. And I want it to be big."

"Wow. Okay. So, what do you need me to do?"

"At this point I just need ideas."

"It might take awhile," Buffy warned. "Do you want to meet up at The Spoon? It'll be easier to plan in person."

"Sure. When?"

"10 minutes?"

"Okay. See you there."


When he got to The Spoon, TJ spotted Buffy in a booth by the window. She waved him over, so he went and sat down across from her.

"So..." he started.

"What were you thinking for this?" Buffy jumped right in.

"Me? I asked you for help, remember?"

"You're on thin ice here, Kippen."

"Okay, okay," he put his hands up in surrender. "I told you I want it to be big. Uh... what if we set up something at the park? You know, the swings? Where I first really talked with him?"

"That's a start. You've figured out the place. Now we need to figure out what you're going to do," she told him, her face showing that she was thinking. "What about dinner?"

"A candlelit dinner!" TJ blurted out, excitedly.

"Perfect! You'll want to get him flowers-"

"His favourite are daisies. Oh! And we'll need muffins too, definitely."

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