Silly Phrases & Covered Faces

338 11 6

Some post-bench scene fluff/humour.


It started when TJ was over at Cyrus' house one day, and they were hanging out in the living room. They were currently arguing over what the best Disney movie was. Cyrus said it was Moana, whereas TJ said it was The Lion King.

"Okay, well your opinion is invalid because it's my house," Cyrus suddenly remarked, folding his arms and grinning triumphantly.

Then TJ got an idea. He reached out his hand and covered Cyrus' entire face with it. Cyrus tried to pull away but TJ kept his hand on his boyfriend's face.

"Wha er yoo doin?" Cyrus tried to ask while his face was being smushed, as he giggled.

"I'm allowed to have my own opinion, and I won't let go until you admit it," TJ smirked.

"Yull hafta le go eve-tia-lee," Cyrus told him.

TJ just picked up his phone with his other hand and started casually scrolling through social media, laughing and humming at a post every so often.

After a minute or so, Cyrus gave in. "Ah k! Ah k! Yoo kin haf yer ope-yun!"

"What was that?" TJ asked, moving his hand slightly off of Cyrus' face.

"You can have your opinion, alright?" Cyrus rolled his eyes playfully.

TJ took his hand completely off of Cyrus' face, and they put on a TV show as if nothing had happened.

About a week later, Cyrus invited TJ over again, and they were resting on the floor face to face in Cyrus' room.

"Cy, I'm thirsty. Could you go get me a glass of juice, please?" TJ asked with his best puppy dog eyes.

"No, I'm too tired. Let's go to sleep," Cyrus said, snuggling his blanket even more than before.

"Fine, then I won't give you any kisses for the rest of the day."

"Teej, that's not fair! You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to give me kisses whenever I want!" Cyrus whined.

"Nope, don't feel like it," TJ lied, and turned away, folding his arms in feigned hurt.

Cyrus smiled, reaching around and covering TJ's face with his hand.

"Cy-riss?" TJ questioned, amused.

"What? You did it to me, I can't do it to you?" Cyrus smirked, trying to keep from laughing.

TJ chuckled. "Ah-rye, c'mere."

Cyrus took his hand off TJ's face, as TJ turned around and pulled him into a kiss.

Ever since then, it just kept happening, and now the covering of the other's face when they're being ridiculous has become their own little tradition. What neither of them knows though, is that today it's going to become a little less secret.


Today, Cyrus is hosting a sleepover at his house with Buffy, Andi, Jonah, and TJ. His parents are having a date night, so they're trusting him not to mess up the house, which he is taking very seriously.

He has already set everything up, so now he's just waiting on the couch for everyone to arrive. After a while, the doorbell rings.

Cyrus almost shouts, 'I'll get it!' before remembering that there's no one else here. He shakes his head and walks to the door.

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