Flufftober #2 // I Will Never Stop Loving You

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Flufftober 2023 day two prompt: Family, Friends, Loved Ones

Day 2 is commencing now! Hope you enjoy this one :) finally I write a fluffy coming out to family story....I'm sorry for not doing one sooner, I just find it easier to write stuff with conflict and then a resolution rather than pure fluff. But hopefully this challenge will strengthen my fluff writing skills so I can write longer ones without filling it with angst😂


Today was the day. Cyrus was finally going to come out to his parents and tell them about TJ.

It had been a few weeks since Andi's big party where the two had confessed their feelings and started dating, but Cyrus had been putting off telling his four shrink parents what was going on. Until now.

It was their monthly scheduled dinner and game night with all five of them, and he wanted to get it out of the way while he had the chance. So he asked TJ to come with him to officially tell them together.

Nerves bolting through his body, Cyrus walked through the door of his house with his boyfriend in tow, who squeezed his hand in support.

"Mom, Todd? I'm here," he called out, as he dropped TJ's hand.

His mother, Leslie, came around the corner to greet him and said, "oh! TJ, I didn't know you were coming over."

"I won't be here long, don't worry," TJ smiled.

"Oh, it's never a bother, sweetie. Cyrus' friends are always welcome."

"Um, yeah, so," Cyrus chuckled nervously. "Are dad and Sharon here yet?"

"Yes, they are, actually," Leslie answered. "They're just over in the living room with Todd. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," Cyrus insisted. "I just wanted to talk to you guys about something."

"Okay, is this something private? Should TJ be here?"

Cyrus looked over at TJ, who nodded, and then turned back to his mom. "Yes, he needs to be here."

"Alright then, you guys can come sit in the living room with us, and Cyrus, you can tell us whatever it is."

The three of them walked together to the couch and sat down. Cyrus' other parents seemed surprised to see TJ was there, but quickly got settled when Leslie quieted them down.

"So," Cyrus finally began, wringing his hands in his lap. "I've been wanting to tell you guys something, but I've been kind of nervous, so I thought it would be best to just get it out of the way."

"What is it, honey?" Sharon asked.

"You don't need to be nervous, son," his father, Norman, chimed in. "Whatever it is, we'll love you just the same."

His mother and step father just nodded.

"Thanks," Cyrus whispered. "Yeah, so um..."

Everyone was silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm... I'm gay," Cyrus breathed out. Before anyone could say anything, he quickly rambled on, "and TJ, he's, we're dating. We started going out a few weeks ago, after Andi's party, and I've wanted to tell you about me for a while, but I just never really had the courage. But a few days ago I decided, that it was time, and so yeah. I- that's all."

Instantly, his mom wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you so much for telling us, sweetie."

"We all still love you just as much as before, and we will never stop loving you," his father added, to the immediate agreement of Sharon and Todd.

"Thank you," Cyrus told them. "Thank you for accepting me, and for everything."

"Of course we do," his mother said, pulling back and kissing his forehead. "We always will."

Cyrus was beaming, and TJ took his hand and interlocked their fingers.

As Leslie pulled away from her son, she clapped her hands together and announced, "now, how about lasagna for supper?"

"Really?" Cyrus exclaimed. Lasagna was his favourite. "I thought it was stir fry night?"

"Well, now it's a special occasion!" she responded. "TJ, do you want to stay for dinner?"

Cyrus and TJ smiled at each other before TJ agreed, and they all continued chatting as Leslie went to get started on dinner.


Hey! I'm a bit late with this one again (lol) but hopefully I will write the next one earlier in the day for next time? Haha anyways I hope you all have a great day and make sure to vote if you liked it :)


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