Good Hair Crew (Not) Hangout

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I've had the plot points for this written down in a draft since December 27th lol and I'm finally gonna write it now on Jan 21st almost a month later woo here we go

The procrastination is real


Andi sat in a booth at The Spoon, staring at the time on her phone. It was 3:55 PM, and she was waiting for Buffy to come meet her here for a "2/3 of the Good Hair Crew" discussion.  She was almost half an hour late. They both made sure Cyrus was busy with family stuff today and therefore wouldn't end up at The Spoon. This was a top secret mission.

Okay, not really. It's not like they were spies or something. But Cyrus could NOT know. At least not yet. So she sat there, bored as a kid on a timeout, while she watched her phone slowly run out of charge. She couldn't even use it for games, because she had no data and there was no Wi-Fi at The Spoon.

She was about to send a text to Buffy asking where in the world she was, when the curly-haired athlete herself came rushing through the door. The bell above the door jingled right before Andi waved her over to where she was sitting.

Buffy sprinted over to Andi and sat down across from her.

"Hey! What took you so long?" Andi asked. "It's Saturday, you don't have practice and you said you had no plans."

"Sorry, just a minor emergency I had to take care of," she apologized. "Cyrus texted me wanting to meet here, because whatever he was doing got cancelled."

Andi's eyes widened. "You know he can't be here, everything would be rui-"

Buffy cut her off. "Don't worry, I handled it. I just casually called his mom and 'helpfully' recommended a fun waterpark she could take him to. They're headed there now."

"Genius!" Andi exclaimed.

"I know, right?" Buffy smirked.

A waitress then came over and took their order. Once they told her what they wanted, they decided to get on with their discussion.

"Okay, so how should we go about this? We need a plan to get TJ and Cyrus together," Buffy reminded her.

"Ugh, I know. It's so frustrating always watching their blatantly obvious pining of each other and them being completely clueless to how the other feels!"

"So what do you think we should do?"

"Wait! I have an idea!" Andi said excitedly. Buffy sat up straight, ready to listen. "Let's tell Cyrus that we're gonna have a Good Hair Crew hangout at the park. We'll convince him to invite TJ, and then when the time comes, we'll tell him we can't make it. Hopefully they'll confess to each other."

"Okay, yeah, that could work," Buffy nodded her head. "Ooh! And we could hide in the bushes to watch."

"Okay, so it's a plan! Let's do it. I'll text Cyrus before school on Monday and find out what time works best for him."

"Text me the details," Buffy added.

"Don't worry, I will," Andi assured.


Cyrus woke up at 7:30 Monday morning to a text from Buffy.

B: Get up, sleepyhead! School starts in 30 minutes.

He sat up and stretched before messaging her back.

C: Yeah, yeah. I'm getting up. Relax.

After setting his phone back down on the dresser, Cyrus headed to the bathroom and got changed. Then he quickly fixed his hair and stuffed his homework into his backpack.

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