Christmas Crush

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Merry late Christmas to those who celebrate! Ohhh this one is gonna be awkward but I'll write it anyway. 'Cause, ya know, why not?🤷🏼‍♀️


It was the last day of school before Christmas break. The school bell rang and I quickly gathered my things and walked out of the classroom. Just then, Cyrus was walking by and I bumped into him, knocking us both down.

"I'm so sorry!" I blurted out as I helped him pick up his things — nothing had fallen out of my own bag. I handed them back to him and stood up. I then put my backpack back on.

"It's okay, don't worry about it Teej," he assured, giving me a smile. I felt some sort of weird sensation in my stomach; it felt kind of like- wings? Birds? Butterflies? Butterflies. Wait, what?!

This couldn't be happening, no no no. I couldn't have a crush on him, I just couldn't! I'm straight. I'm straight and was imagining things. My brain was fooling me. I just needed more sleep. Right?

Or maybe I was dreaming! That had to be it. I raised my hand up to slap my arm but Cyrus grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"What- what are you doing?" he asked, confusion and concern drawn on his face.

My eyes widened before I furrowed my brows and bit my lip. I mentally screamed at myself for forgetting he was there. Also for not just settling for a pinch. I just had to be extra sure I wasn't dreaming by slapping myself. I sighed.

"Well I-" I started. "I mean I thought that maybe-"

I went silent, realizing I couldn't think of an excuse. I didn't want him to be worried. But I obviously couldn't tell him I was thinking I was dreaming and wanted to prove it to myself. That would lead to more questions and more until he found out my crush on- I mean complete idiotic delusion! Haha. Um...

"TJ, what were you doing?"

"I was stretching," I lied, hopefully convincingly. "I didn't sleep well last night and my arm was a bit cramped up is all."

He seemed skeptical for a few seconds before looking at the exhausted expression on my face. He relaxed a little and replied, "oh. I hope you feel better. Maybe you should rest when you get home. It's the holidays now, so you don't have to worry about homework."

I really was tired, so that actually sounded good. Except that I still had to buy gifts for my family members. But I could do that tomorrow. I needed to sleep off these weird things that I was feeling.

"Thanks, Cy, I'll do that. I should get going. I hope you have a great holiday," I told him.

"No problem, and you too! Bye," he smiled and put his bag on, turning around to leave.


After I got home, I threw my bag into the coat closet and ran upstairs and into my bedroom. My dad was out grocery shopping and my mom was at a friend's house, so when I fell onto my bed, face first, I proceeded to scream into my pillow.

Sometimes I wonder why these things happen to me. I guess I'm just too stupid to avoid all these mess ups.

I soon fell asleep, but with just my streak of bad luck, he was in my dream.


I ran and ran as fast as I could, but the tree-sized wolf was catching up to me. I thought I was toast. But then I saw Cyrus.

He approached the wolf and raised his hand in a 'stop' motion. The wolf obeyed. Then we were both transported to Mars, where Cyrus grabbed my face and kissed me. I was enjoying the moment when suddenly-

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