Un Béguin • Part 2

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If a sentence is in italics, with no single or double quotation marks, it's a thought from whoever's perspective it is.

P.S. This starts on the day after the basketball game that TJ was benched from. And Cyrus' fight with Buffy never happened.


Cyrus' Perspective

When Cyrus woke up, he checked the time. It was 10:37 AM. He grabbed his phone and checked for any messages from Andi or Buffy. None yet.

After stretching for a minute or two, Cyrus got up and went to the bathroom to change. Once he was finished, he walked downstairs to the kitchen and poured himself some cereal. He ate in silence, wondering what he would do today. It was Saturday, so there was no school. His parents were still asleep so he couldn't ask them for a ride anywhere.

He decided he would go to the park and just take a walk around. He stood up and picked up his bowl, dumping it into the sink. Then he went and got his shoes on, and texted his parents before leaving.

As he walked down the sidewalk, he put his earbuds in and shuffled his music. The first song that came on was 'City Lights' by Bridgit Mendler. But when it got to the chorus, he couldn't help but think of a certain person. TJ Kippen.

'Every time
That you think you've lost your shine
Just remember, nothing's brighter
You're the city lights
Every time
That you fade into the night
Just remember, you're the fire
You're the city lights
That shine into the night'

He wasn't sure why he was reminded of TJ, but he didn't care too much. TJ was his friend, after all. It's not a big deal for a song to make you think of your friend. Even if it's a new friend. But why have I never thought of Andi or Buffy while listening to certain songs? he thought to himself. Oh well. It'll probably happen eventually.

A few songs later, the song 'Hey Stephen' by Taylor Swift came on. He heard the first line and thought of TJ again.

'Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving
But I know I saw a light in you'

Just then, he remembered that it was a crush song so he skipped it. He was not in the mood to think about Jonah. It always caused him some sort of distress, especially since Jonah was interested in Andi, and not him.

Once he arrived at the park, he paused his music and put his earbuds in his pocket with his phone. Then he saw that TJ was shooting hoops in the basketball court. He made his way over there to get TJ's attention.

"Hey," Cyrus called to him.

TJ caught the basketball as it bounced off the ground after falling through the hoop. "Hey, what's up?" TJ greeted weakly. He seemed down about something.

"Just had nothing to do this morning so I thought I'd walk to the park."

"Alright then," TJ replied. "I'm just practicing for when my basketball team suspension is up."

"Cool. Mind if I watch?" Cyrus asked. He wasn't sure why he was so keen on being around the star athlete, but he quickly brushed it off as nothing.

Unfortunately, TJ seemed uncomfortable about something, and answered, "actually, I think I should be alone so I can focus better. Sorry. But maybe next time?"

"Oh. Okay, sure," Cyrus said, disappointed.


The next day, Cyrus was walking through the neighbourhood and found himself at the Red Rooster. He noticed TJ looking through the records in front of the store. He walked up to TJ and tapped him on the shoulder.

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