Un Béguin

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Quick note: I'm sort of indifferent to the kippen siblings headcanon, and therefore never put it in my stories. But I felt like it would fit well in this one, so it's here. Amber is TJ's sister in this.

P.S. if a sentence is in italics, with no single or double quotation marks, it's a thought from TJ.


It started when TJ found himself at the park and saw a smaller boy on the swings.

He walked closer to the boy and recognized who it was. Buffy's friend. The one who he helped get a chocolate chocolate chip muffin at school. The boy was singing a simple song. TJ thought it was cute. In a small, helpless child way, of course. It would be ridiculous to suggest otherwise. Right?

"Legs go up, legs go down. That's how we make the swing go round," the small brunette sang quietly. "Drag your feet, you go slow. The more you drag, the less you go. Legs go up-"

"Nice song," TJ finally spoke.

The boy abruptly stopped himself from swinging and turned around to face TJ. He looked slightly scared.

"What do you sing when you're on the slide?" TJ asked.

"We go down, we say yay. We don't climb up, that's the wrong way," he nervously sang.

"Huh," TJ stated. "Did not expect you'd have a song for that. Chocolate chocolate chip muffin, right?"

"Scary basketball guy," he pointed at TJ.

TJ was slightly offended in a disappointed way. "Actually, TJ."

"I know. Cyrus," he smiled, and pointed at himself.

TJ walked over to the swing next to him and said, "So... do you hang out here a lot?"

"Only when I'm feeling bad about myself. So, fairly often."

"Hm. Does it help?"

"It helps me," Cyrus told him. "Go on, you look like you need it."

Reluctantly, TJ went around and sat on the swing. They both started swinging. TJ pushed himself up higher and soon was swinging way above the other boy. "Wow, this does kind of make me feel better."

"What do you need to feel better about? You're the captain of the basketball team!" Cyrus remarked.

"You don't know me. I got stuff."

"Betcha I got more stuff."

"Yeah?" TJ replied. "Betcha I can swing higher!" He started to pump his legs more and swing even higher than before.

"I'm afraid to swing high," Cyrus admitted. "That's part of my stuff."

"Whoo! I don't know why I ever stopped swinging. Come on, get up here!"

"This is as up as I go."

"Whoo!" TJ said, and then laughed lightly. He jumped off the swing and ran behind Cyrus' swing, pushing him higher.

"Ah. Ahh!" Cyrus exclaimed. "Ahhh!"

"Underdog!" TJ shouted before he ran under the swing.

"AHHHH!" Cyrus screamed. "Woah. That was exhilarating!"

"You want another one?"

"No, thank you!"

TJ did a fake pout and playfully said, "hm. Too bad!"

"Uhhh," Cyrus spoke nervously. Then TJ gave him another push on the swing and he exclaimed, "ah!"

Cyrus screamed again as TJ gave him another underdog.

Tyrus Oneshots || Andi MackΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα