White Flag

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Sorry for the long break, just have been out of inspiration. Here's another oneshot! It's yet another costume day fix-it story, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway.


Take, take it all away
Save my heart for another day

Cyrus sat on his bed, heartbroken. He had made the bitter mistake of letting his hopes get up so high. He should have known that TJ offering to do a costume with him was too good to be true. But who could blame him? Up until today, TJ seemed to be Cyrus's biggest fan. The obvious assumption would be that TJ would do anything to spend time with him, right? Well, apparently that changed when Kira showed up.

I'm up late on the telephone
And I'm all alone with the dial tone

Cyrus had tried numerous times to call TJ on the phone, only to be met with the endless sound of nothing. He wanted to give TJ a chance to share his side of the story, maybe even heal his heart a little with an explanation. But TJ seemed to be ignoring the boy. What Cyrus didn't know, though, was that TJ was too busy wallowing in his own misery to even notice his phone going off.

Wait, wait 'til the sun is up
Drown my dreams in a coffee cup

Cyrus couldn't sleep at all that night. So he just lay there on his bed, letting the tears silently stream down his face. The following morning, he got up, and barely made it through his morning routine, having zero minutes of sleep. He trudged down the stairs and made himself a large cup of coffee. He had never had it before, but thought the extra boost of energy might make his problems go away. Oh, how wrong he was.

Palms out, wanna beg for luck
But I'm way too proud, never giving up

Ten minutes after the coffee kicked in, and he was feeling more anxious than ever. What did this heartbreak mean for him? If he was this upset just because TJ didn't do a stupid costume with him, he realized he probably had a crush on him. And that made his mood ten times worse. But despite knowing that he could never be with TJ, he decided not to give up on having a decent life anyways. He decided he needed to move on.

Oh, something's gotta happen
Something's gotta give
And something's got to break
I know, someday it's gonna happen
Someday it's gonna give
Can't always be this way

Something had to go right for him at some point, right? He hoped it would, at least. Maybe someone else would come into his life that he would like and who would actually like him back. Then he would finally be happy. Someday. But he wished that day would come soon. He didn't know how much longer he could take this.

And if the riptide come to get me
And pulls me under, it won't upset me
I'll go down

He could survive this. He knew he could. Pain might have won this time, but he could get through it. He just needed to embrace it. He needed to admit to himself that it was okay to feel this way. For now, he had to let himself be sad, for it to end.

I'll throw the white flag of surrender
Knock me down, not forever, just for now

He went through most of the day bundled up in bed, and watching Netflix. He had finally accepted the pain. He knew that it was normal, and he was entitled to his feelings. But it hurt him thinking about how much this affected him when it probably didn't even affect TJ in the slightest.

Give, give everything I've got
Out of reach but I'll take a shot

That evening, after dinner, he decided to go for a walk to try to clear his head. He came across an empty basketball court near the park, and saw a basketball lying on the ground. A tear came to his eye as he was reminded of TJ. Then, he had a sudden urge to try to make a basket. Just one. Then he would go home. Except, he had no athletic ability. He tried to shoot the basket four times, and failed.

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