My Miracle

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Here's a new oneshot. Enjoy.



Teej: Happy anniversary Cy! I miss you so much. I wish I could see you. I wish we could go on dates at the park all the time like we used to. I haven't seen you in 10 months and every day it gets harder. You were my miracle.
Teej: I just want to be able to hold you again. I'm sorry I was so careless. I'm sorry it was my fault your dad found out about us and made your family move away and made you block me. I'm sorry that you won't ever read this. I'm sorry. I love you.
delivered 10:28 am

*time skip 5 minutes*

text message read 10:33 am

ᴏᴏᴏ ( typing )
Muffin: TJ! I've missed you so much. I just unblocked you 10 minutes ago because my mom was arrested last night for stealing money from work and my dad kicked me out this morning because she wasn't here to stop him anymore. I'm on a bus back to Shadyside right now to live with my aunt! I can't wait to see you!

TJ: Cyrus! Is it really you?? I can't believe it!! You're really coming back? I'm so excited to see you again! Is your aunt supportive? Does she even know? Will we be able to see each other like before? I'm so sorry about your mom. I'm rambling sorry I'm just so surprised and happy💗💗💗

Muffin: yes it's me! I only moved about an hour away and I think there's about 45 minutes left on this bus ride. yes my aunt is supportive, and she knows the situation. she said that we can see each other whenever <3
Muffin: and it's ok I'll be alright as long as I can see you❤️ and don't worry about rambling it's adorable


Muffin: <3
Muffin: do you live in the same house as before I left?

Teej: yes!! pls come over asap

Muffin: i'll text you when I get to my aunt's ok? my phone's low on charge

Teej: okay ily and imy <3

Muffin: imy and ily2 <3
read 10:45 am


TJ jumped out of bed and immediately started rummaging through his drawer to find a good outfit to wear. Once he found what he was looking for, he quickly got changed and then ran to the bathroom, after stuffing his phone in his pocket.

He combed his hair in the usual style, except without gel this time because he knew Cyrus liked it that way. But his heart was pounding so hard he could barely hear his own thoughts. When he was done getting ready, he ran downstairs and grabbed some cereal.

He ate as quickly as possible and then sat on the couch, staring at his phone. He was waiting for a text from Cyrus. But he was so exhausted that he ended up falling asleep within 10 minutes.

About 15 minutes after TJ fell asleep, he was startled awake by his phone buzzing on his chest. Grabbing his phone, he sat up and looked at the text. It was from Cyrus, saying that he had arrived at his aunt's and had finished unpacking. Within 3 seconds, another text from Cyrus came in, saying that he was on his way over.

At this time, TJ's mother was heading down the stairs and spotted TJ jumping up from the couch and stumbling over to the door to sit on the chair in the entryway.

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