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Part 2 to my previous oneshot "Ask Him Out".


When Saturday came, TJ was sitting on his bed after he woke up, staring at his phone. He had a message typed out to Cyrus, but couldn't work up the courage to send it. He tapped his foot on the ground as he bit his lip, inhaling deeply.

"Gah, why am I so nervous? Just send it, idiot!" he half-shouted to himself.

Finally, he hit the power button on his phone to lock it, and sighed dramatically as he let himself fall backwards onto his bed. After setting his phone aside, he grabbed his pillow and put it over his face, resisting the urge to scream.

Just then, he heard someone knock on his door.

"What is it?" he groaned, exhausted.

His door opened slowly, and in walked his mother, smiling sadly at him.

"Are you okay, honey?" she asked. "I heard you yelling, but I couldn't make out what you said."

"Fine, just... issues with math," he lied. He sat up on the bed to face her.

"You sure? Is it a girl?" Ew.

"What? No!" TJ exclaimed, defensively but truthfully.

His mother gave him a look, and he reaffirmed his point.

"I promise you, there's no girl," he insisted.

"Then what is it?"

It's a boy. A boy is making me feel things I don't understand, but I don't want you to know that so please leave me alone.

"I told you, I'm having math issues from my stupid math dyslexia thing," he lied again.

"I thought you were getting help for your dyscalculia?"

"I am, but it's still difficult."

"Okay, well just remember I believe in you, alright? You'll get through this." His mother walked over and kissed him on the head before leaving the room.

"Thanks, mom," he said before she shut the door.


Once she was gone, TJ grabbed his phone and turned it back on, staring at the pre-typed message again. He hovered his finger over the send button, and tried to get himself to tap it. After an entire thirty seconds of moving his shaking finger towards and away from the screen, a social media notification came up at the top of his screen with a chime. This startled him, causing him to hit the send button at last. No going back now.

TJ: about the other day... are you still down?
delivered 10:21 am

Less than 2 minutes later, he received a reply.

Cyrus: yeah of course

TJ quickly and anxiously typed out several responses, not wanting to leave him waiting.

TJ: awesome!

TJ: uh, cool

TJ: I mean, yeah that's good
read 10:23 am

Cyrus: it's ok teej

He lightly blushed at the nickname, smiling widely.

TJ: ...what's ok?

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