Ask Him Out

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There was only a minute left in the game, and Jefferson was in the lead by one point. As Cyrus enthusiastically cheered from the bleachers, TJ made his way across the court, successfully dodging several opponents.

Just before he got to a place where he could easily make a basket, he happened to glance over at Cyrus. He lost his focus and someone snatched the ball, taking it in the opposite direction. He quickly snapped back to attention and ran after them, as his teammates gave him disgruntled looks.

The other team scored a point. They were tied as the clock read 30 seconds. Another member from TJ's team, Xavier, got the ball and headed towards the net. But again, TJ got distracted looking at Cyrus and Xavier bumped into him, knocking them both down.

15 seconds left. An opposing player took the ball. TJ scrambled to his feet and knocked it out of his hands. TJ dribbled the ball as he raced across the court. 3. He aimed his shot. 2. TJ shot it up towards the net. 1. It went through.

The game ended, Jefferson still winning after that close call. The crowd cheered loudly, with Cyrus excitedly waving his sign around. The team was happy they won, but they were irritated to say the least that TJ almost cost them the game.

After everyone left, TJ followed his teammates into the change room. He was just getting his clothes out of his locker when he felt someone sharply tap him on the shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Jason — one of the guys on the team — standing there, looking expectantly at him with his arms crossed.

"What?" TJ asked, confused.

"What was that whole thing about? You almost cost us the game!" Jason demanded, gesturing to the door.

"Sorry," he replied, slumping his shoulders slightly. "I guess I'm just not at my best today."

Jason rolled his eyes before walking away, and TJ returned to his locker.


The next day, TJ walked into gym class early and the guys from his team approached him. He could tell they were fighting back smirks and wondered what was going on.

"What is it?" he asked cautiously.

"Oh, nothing," Jason excused. "We just saw this hilarious video on YouTube."

"Okay..." TJ said, skeptically.

"So," Xavier started. "You and that Cyrus kid seem to be pretty close."

"Yeah, he must be a great friend. He comes to all of our games," another one, Dustin, chimed in.

"He is," TJ told them, confused. "I'm sorry, but why do you guys care?"

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked, innocently.

"I mean, is that all you came over for? Just to comment on how good of a friend he is?"

"Sort of," Jason replied.

TJ gave Jason a look, like, what are you on about? and looked around at the others to see if he could read their faces. He couldn't.

"We noticed, you seemed to be a little, distracted, during yesterday's game," he continued.

TJ's breath momentarily stopped. Did they think... no. They couldn't know. Right?

"You were looking over at Cyrus a lot," Dustin added.

"But I wasn't," TJ denied, in a fake confused tone.

"You were, though," Xavier countered. "Do you like him?"

Immediately, TJ built back up his tough-guy defence mask. "Why would you even think that?"

"Hey, man, relax," Dustin told him. "We don't have a problem with it."

"Yeah, we were just wondering," Jason said.

"So do you?" a guy from the back asked. They all excitedly waited for a response, while TJ was a nervous wreck.

"I-I," TJ stuttered. That was a first. He took a breath. "Fine, you guys win. I do like him."

TJ looked down at his shoes, fiddling with his fingers, as the rest of them cheered.

"You should ask him out!" someone said, and everyone agreed except TJ.

"What!" TJ exclaimed, whipping his head up again. "No way! You do know how crazy you guys sound right now, right?"

"Come on, TJ, are you serious?" Jason said. "He comes to all of our games. He makes you SIGNS. And he acts like he won the lottery when he cheers you on! He likes you."

"No, he doesn't. He probably doesn't even like guys, and even if he did he'd never like someone like me."

"Dude! Stop it!" Xavier said, annoyed. "You shouldn't put yourself down so much. Plus, we've seen the way he acts around you. It's clear the feeling's mutual."

"Guys, you're being ridiculous. I'd just make a fool of myself."

"If anyone's being ridiculous it's you. You're asking him out, and we're all gonna be there to support you. If he says no, he's an idiot and he doesn't deserve you," Xavier insisted.

"Ugh, fine I'll do it. But if this turns into a disaster you guys owe me fries from the cafeteria for two months."



Later that day, TJ was walking through the hallway during lunch when his team hurried up towards him.

"Dude, we just saw Cyrus alone at his locker," Dustin told him.

"You should go ask him out now!" Jason said, quietly.

"What? Here? Now?!" TJ frantically whispered.

"Yes! Now go!" Jason insisted, shutting his locker and pushing him in the opposite direction. "We're right behind you."

TJ anxiously walked through the halls and turned the corner. He spotted Cyrus stuffing things into his locker, and timidly approached him. His teammates watched from a distance.

"Hey," he said, and Cyrus turned around.

"Oh, hey Teej!" Cyrus cheerfully greeted.

"Um, what's up?" TJ asked, avoiding the reason he came here.

"Nothing much, just about to go have lunch with Andi and Buffy," Cyrus answered. "What about you?"

"Well, uh, I was, sort of wondering," TJ started.

He tried to work up the courage, but chickened out last second. "Um, what's your favourite colour?"

In the background, Jason facepalmed.

"Green," Cyrus immediately responded. "Why? And why is the rest of the basketball team watching us over there?"

"Oh, haha, uh, no reason," TJ awkwardly replied.

Cyrus gave TJ a look, and TJ relented. "Okay. They're kind of there as, um, moral support." He mumbled the last two words, but Cyrus heard.

"I'm confused," Cyrus said.

TJ gulped and spoke, "I- I sort of wanted to ask you something."

"Okay, what is it?" Cyrus encouraged, although still seemingly confused.

"Would want to go out with me, sometime?"

Cyrus' jaw dropped. "Are-are you serious?"

"S-sort of, yeah. Is that weird? I'm sorry, I-"

"Of course I'll go out with you!" Cyrus exclaimed, wrapping his arms around TJ's neck. TJ returned the embrace, putting his hands on Cyrus' back and smiling. Cyrus continued, "I can't believe this is happening."

They both exhaled, smiling, as TJ's teammates silently gushed in the background, so as not to ruin the moment.


Comment for a part 2! Hope you enjoyed.

'Til next time,

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