Kiri's Battle is Over and She Starts Smiling Normally Again UWU

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Everyone back in the room was hella panicking she was gonna go even more Yandere than she already did. Like that laugh?

Aw hell the fuck no.

"Hey All Might shouldn't you stop this?" Midoriya asked sweating even though he wasn't even the one there.

"Not at all young Midoriya! This is going to end just fine I think!"

'JUST FINE?!' Everyone thought at the same time shook.

Back with Kiri and Shouji Shouji was just shook and confused. Like what the hell was happening? Okay, he didn't know much about Kiri but still, her laughing at what was happening was kind of scary.

"Oh Shouji, you didn't think I had a backup plan now did you?" Kiri said with a smile after she finished laughing. Kiri's leg shot up and Shouji's eyes widened and he jumped back away from her, only to see her put her leg back down and get up.

"Just kidding!" She said with a wink and sticking her tongue out. Even though she didn't do anything Shouji was pretty sure she would have if he didn't jump back.

"All Might how much time do we have left?" Kiri asked loudly.

"Three minutes." Shouji's eyes widened again. Three minutes?! He really wasted his time on the crazy VSCO girl in class? Okay it wasn't his fault though and no one blamed him. They didn't expect her to be this good even if she is somehow in Class 1-A.

"I have to get serious now Tsujo." Shouji said readying the knife he stole. Kiri smiled and nodded. Shouji charged at her and was about to hit her when he heard a tiny click and felt something slice his thigh. He panicked and jumped back again, look at the cut. He looked over at Kiri and that bitch had a fucking knife coming from her shoe. How the hell could she fit god damn wheels AND a knife in there?

And where the hell did it come from?!?!!!

"Times up! Villains win!" Toshinori announced from the speakers.

"What?" Shouji whispered in shock. Kiri just whistled and pushes the knife back into her shoe using the floor. She walked up to Shouji and held out a hand.

"Um, can I have my knife back please and thank you?" She asked.

"O-oh, sure." Shouji put the knife back into her hand.

"Thanks thanks! Oh and don't worry about Todoroki he's Gucci. If anything he's probably having the best nights sleep he's ever gotten." Kiri said before leaving to find Kaminari. Shouji nodded and picked up Todoroki before the four of the left the building. When they got back to the room where everyone was watching Todoroki left out when Toshinori laugh.

"You all did wonderful! Now who could tell me who was the best?" He asked.

"Um, was it Shouji or Tsujo?" Tsuyu asked. Toshinori pointed at her.

"Exactly! Those two were the best but who was number one?" He asked again.

"It was Kiri roght?" Momo asked.

"Right again! And do you know why?"

"She had a plan and was able to take down one of the heroes before they even realized she was there. Then she was able to stall enough time and also made sure Shouji never made it to the bomb. She also had multiple hidden elements of surprise she successfully used to her advantage. And finally she really embraced the villain role she was given." Momo explained.

"And that's exactly right! Now that doesn't mean the other three didn't do good at all. Kaminari had good judgment in trusting his partners abilities, Todoroki was just the unfortunate one who got taken out first, and Shouji was able to keep her busy and avoided most of her many secret surprise attacks!" Kiri smiled and nodded along to what Toshinori and Momo were saying, rocking back on her heelies.

"Oky doky I'm going to go and head over to Recovery Girl!" Kiri said waving at everyone.

"What? Did you get hurt or something Kiri?" Momo asked worried. Kiri shook her head with a smile that wasn't insane like the one she showed when fighting Shouji.

"No I'm just going to apologize to Todoroki for drugging him. See ya and good luck guys!!!" She closed the door behind her and skipped off and over to Recovery Girl's.

When she finally got there she opened the door and saw that Todoroki was awake.

"Oh you're awake faster than I thought! I guess I'll have to up the dosage."


A/N: Yessssssss this chapter is longer than the other ones because I didn't upload last week UMU But wowie who would've thought Kiri is kinda knife crazy???? Hiding all them knives everywhere. But anyways, what the heck do you mean Kiri?!!!??! Up the dosage?! She really be out here tryna end a man's careerrrrrr UMU But anywayssss don't forget to vote, comment, add, share, and follow!!!! Bye~~~~

The VSCO Girl of Class 1-A (BNHA Fanfic) **DROPPED**Where stories live. Discover now