Ice Skating and the End of the Obstacle Race!

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Kiri ice skated right past all the people who were having trouble with Todoroki's ice, humming a song as she approached the front of the race. Suddenly the ground started shaking and everyone looked up to see the zero-point robots.

"What the hell?!" Some of the students shouted. Kiri continued humming, skating right at them without batting an eye.

"You didn't think it'd be that easy now, did you?!" Mic announced.

"This was what they had to face at the exam?" Todoroki muttered, coming to a stop.

"Easy." He froze the robot's legs and rushed past, Kiri hot on his heels. She skated underneath the robots right before they came crashing down from the imbalance.

"Todoroki why'd you have to try and trap me too? I thought we were friends!" Kiri whined, kicking off the blades from her shoes. He ignored her this time and Kiri pouted as she watched him skate across the rope. Mic continued announcing the obstacles as Todoroki passed through them with relative ease, Kiri not falling too far behind along with Bakugo.

"Hey crazy bitch!" Bakugo shouted at Kiri.

"Don't try me Bakugo!" Kiri shouted with a threatening giggle.

"How the hell are you up here?!"

"Cus I'm amazing!"

"That's not what I was asking!" Bakugo continued having a one sided argument with Kiri who just laughed at him.

"Uh, what's going on up there?" Mic asked Aizawa, staring at the two.

"Don't ask, you won't understand," Aizawa muttered tired. Mic slowly nodded and cleared his throat, ready to announce the final obstacle.

"And we have reached the final obstacle: the minefield! Each circle represents a mine! Now don't worry they aren't enough to do too much damage, but they sure pack an explosion!"

"Bakugo it's your cousins!" Kiri shouted with a smile, pointing at the ground. Todoroki had already made his way through a third of the mines and Bakugo growled at Kiri's comment. Before he could retort she started running through the minefield, her eyes flickering back and forth to keep track of where the mines were.

"And what is this?! Kiri from Class 1-A is running through the minefields like it's nothing! How is she doing it?!" Todoroki's head snapped behind him and spotted Kiri rushing through the mines just as Mic had said. He gritted his teeth and froze the front of the minefield, running on top and Bakugo blasting his way to the front.

"Like hell I'd let someone like you win!" Bakugo shouted, directing it at Kiri. Suddenly a giant explosion rang out from behind them and they all watched as Midoriya blasted through the air on a piece of metal he got from the robot.

"And Midoriya just took the lead!" Mic shouted, making the three in the front panic. They charged forward, ignoring each other and they stopped talking, focused on reaching the end.

"And first place goes to...! Midoriya from Class 1-A!" Mic announced as Kiri got 4th place.

"That was super fun! But I kinda wish they had more crazy stuff ya kno?" Kiri said.

"Like what?" Todoroki asked, genuinely curious.

"Hm... maybe some daggers getting thrown at our heads? Or needing to army crawl while avoiding poisonous gas?" Kiri suggested, tapping her chin and worrying everyone that just heard her.

"Alright! Let's get right into the second round!" Midnight announced, cracking her whip at the ground make some people jolt, some wince, and some moa-

"The next round is a cavalry battle! Each member will have a headband with points on them based on their ranking. The points that first place has is..." Kiri rocked back and forth on her heels.

"1 million!"


A/N: AWWWWWW Look at Bakugo and Kiri bondingggg UWU But damn she really does have hella dirt on Bakugo huh? And also, um, Kiri? I don't think UA will try and poison gas their students for an obstacle race, that'd be annoying to control and get rid of UMU Anywayssssd make sure to vote, comment, add, share, and follow!!!!!! Bye byeeee~

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