Kiri's Priorities Are Perfectly Fine, Nothing To Judge Here

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Momo and Kiri got their lunches and sat down at an empty table. Kiri was hella hyped. This was food from THE Lunch Rush! How could she not be?!

"Kiri what did you say to Bakugo-san? He was really quiet when he came back in." Momo asked as Kiri nommed on her katsudon.

"Hm?" Kiri gulped down her food and drank some water.

"I just pointed out his flaws is all." Kiri said staring down at her food. Momo's eyes widened.

"But I think I was too mean about it...." Kiri muttered. Momo could literally see fox ears on Kiri's head just flatten down. Even though Kiri was sad Momo couldn't help but think how cute she was.

"Kiri don't worry! I'm sure that Bakugo-san wouldn't let something like that keep him down for too long!" Momo comforted, patting her on the back. Kiri looked over at Momo sad.


"Of course!" Kiri nodded and picked up her chopsticks again when a siren started blaring. Momo looked around the mess hall while Kiri continued eating like nothing was happening. An intruder alarm was totally NOT screaming at everyone to evacuate at all, that was for sure.

"What's going on?" Momo asked worried as Kiri was STILL crunching away at her katsudon.

"There's a secruity breach! Someone infiltrated UA!" A third year shouted panicked. It was dead silent for two seconds when everyone started screaming and running out of the hall. Momo grabbed Kiri's arm and Kiri nodded, still chewing her food. Kiri slowly got up and grabbed her lunch before walking out with Momo who was scared and wanted to run like the rest of the students.

"We need to run Kiri!" Momo said, worried what the hell was going on in Kiri's brain to make her walk and eat.

"Why? Shouldn't we stay calm? That's always the first thing that teachers tell you when you're having drills. Besides, it's not like we can get through that." Kiri said pointing at the mob of students that were stuffing the hallways.

"Anyways why doesn't anybody trust in the staff here? It's a hero school that's filled with Pro Heroes. There'd be a problem if they weren't able to fight off the villain or capture them. I mean, unless the villain is just super stronk but I dunno, maybe they are I guess." Momo stared at Kiri before looking away. She didn't expect it, but this was Kiri and she did always surprise her sometimes. So in a way she was expecting it?

"Momo is Iida flying?" Kiri asked confuzzled as fuck. Momo looked up and saw that it was indeed Iida spinning out of control over everyone and slamming against he wall. Kiri winced as she took a bite of her pork.

Iida gave a speech about how they're students at UA and shouldn't show the public that they're panicking because it'd look bad since they're all aiming to be heroes. Then something or another and everyone calmed down and actually started walking through the hallways. Momo and Kiri followed the crowd and Kiri finished eating when they finally got to the meetup spot where Aizawa was standing along with other memebrs of the staff. After a while it was safe to go back in and everyone headed to the classroom.

"Oh Aizawa-sensei I'll be a bit late if that's gucci." Kiri said. Aizawa turned around annoyed.

"Why?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her. And that's when he noticed it.

The god damn lunch tray.

"Why do you have a lunch tray with you? Don't tell me that you brought your lunch with you during when there's a supposed intruder in the building?"

"Uhhhh yeah? I can't let good food go to waste and I was hungry. Besides it's not like this school is full of pro heroes as staff for no reason. But either way I'm taking this as a 'Of course Kiri! You can totally go and return the lunch tray!' Thanks Aizawa-senssei, I'll be back~" Kiri chirped and galloped off to the mess hall.

Aizawa stared at her as she galloped off and started heading back to the classroom himself. The last name Tsujo sounded familiar, it was on the tip of his tongue where he heard it before but he couldn't place it. He was sure that he was going to do some reasearch tonight and he wasn't looking forward to doing that and paperwork at the same time.


A/N: AND I OOP- SKSKKSKSKKSK the chappy is a bit longer than usual so hopefully that's a good surprise UWU Anyways we'll get some background info on Kiri soon!!!!!!!! But wowie what the heck Kiri? How can you think of food when people might kill you? But I guess since there are heroes there and a lot that are strong too soooooo.... I guess I'd do the same thing UWU But anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, add, share, and follow!!!!!!!!!! Bye~~~~~~~~~~

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